The MD program is delivered over an extended academic year, so recess and vacation breaks are an important component for student success in the overall program.
Extensive clinical experiences are offered throughout the program and there is no requirement or expectation that students will undertake additional, extra-curricular or/compulsory clinical experiences in the vacation breaks.
GSM does not recommend or encourage work experience extra-curricular or outside the academic year The School acknowledges that some students may choose to undertake to do so at certain times. Should a student decide to undertake clinical/research work experience, it will be the student’s responsibility to organise all details, including appropriate insurance. Whilst on work experience student will not be a representatives of UOW or the GSM or the MD program.
Please note that The University of Wollongong does not consider compulsory clinical placements as work experience, and that any work experience organised independently by a student is not part of the compulsory clinical placement time.