Disturbance regimes

Disturbance regimes

Biodiversity and ecosystem processes are strongly influenced by disturbance regimes, for example seabed disturbance or fire. Estimation of the risk of loss of species and ecosystem functions posed by adverse disturbance regimes is required to inform policy and land management decision-making.

Work in this research area is currently underway in the laboratories of CSES members Ross Bradstock, Andy Davis, David Ayre, Todd Minchinton, Owen Price, Philip Zylstra, Elizabeth Tasker, Andrew Denham, Bethany Hoye and Ana Dalziell.

Current projects

Student projects / thesis title

  • Variation of physical dormancy and its ecological role in unpredictable environments - Ganesha Liyanage
  • The relative importance of genetic diversity and phenotypic variation as determinants of germination in physically dormant species in the face of climate change - Alice Hudson
  • The Ecology and Conservation of Temperate Soft Sediment Fishes - Lachlan Fetterplace


Moritz, M. A., Batllori, E., Bradstock, R. A., Gill, A. Malcolm., Handmer, J., Hessburg, P. F., Leonard, J., McCaffrey, S., Odion, D. C., Schoennagel, T. & Syphard, A. D. (2014). Learning to coexist with wildfire
Nature, 515 (7525), 58-66.