Master plan

Environmental Futures

Director: Professor Kerrylee Rogers 

Our vision is impactful environmental research that informs and advises scientists, decision-makers, communities and future generations.

Our values are ambition and world-leading research, research impact, evidence-based knowledge, honesty and integrity, diversity and inclusivity.

Our purpose is to produce environmental knowledge through ethical partnerships and purposeful collaborations, by integrating our collective pursuit of enquiry with our diverse expertise, worldclass research facilities and inspired training.


Operations Committee

Operational Plan Implementation

Responsibilities: alignment of research activities with vision, purpose and values, monitoring and tracking research success, maintaining research culture

Chair: Director

Membership: Director & Deputy Directors, Research theme leaders, Early Career Researcher (ECR) representative, Higher Degree Research (HDR) representatives (2), Seminar series coordinator

Grant Assessment Sub-Committee

Chair: Director

Strategy Committee

Strategic Plan Development, Governance and Function

Responsibilities: strategic direction & new initiatives, alignment with UOW, national and international research priorities, oversight of directors, management of membership

Chair: Director

Membership: Director & Deputy Directors, Administration support, Faculty representative as needed

Advisory Committee:

Chair: Director

Members: External advisors & Deputies

Organisational pillars

Deputy Director: Associate Professor Tim Cohen

Managing the Culture Committee and implementing programs such as Infrastructure Grants, Infrastructure planning and management, specialised training programs.

Infrastructure Committee

Responsibilities: infrastructure life-cycling and planning, equitable access to infrastructure and resources, co-Investment, strategic Infrastructure decisions, monitoring infrastructure research capacity

Chair: Deputy (Research Infrastructure) Membership: Members (incl. EMCRs) with expertise or interest in research infrastructure

Deputy Director: Vacant*

Managing the Culture Committee and implementing programs such as grant development network, EMCR mentoring, awards, cultural training

* Intentionally vacant to provide opportunities outside SMAH

Culture Committee

Responsibilities: developing, identifying & implementing initiatives to improve research culture & cultural awareness, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of programs

Chair: Deputy (Research Culture) Membership: Members (incl. EMCRs) passionate about research culture & Traditional Knowledges

Deputy Director: Vacant*

Managing the Outreach Committee and implementing programs such as seminar series, development of capacity statements, public outreach and sponsorship

* Intentionally vacant to provide opportunities outside SMAH

Outreach Committee

Responsibilities: developing & implementing activities that enhance internal engagement and shares knowledge with end-users and stakeholders, seeks to increase research impact

Chair: Deputy (Outreach-Engagement) Membership: Members (including EMCRs) passionate about knowledge sharing and science communication

Deputy Director: Associate Professor Nicolas Flament

Managing the Partnerships and Collaborations Committee and implementing programs such as team building training, end-user workshops and supporting new collaborative opportunities

Partnerships Committee

Responsibilities: decision-making support for strategic activities and new relationships, seek new collaborative opportunities.

Chair: Deputy (Partnerships & Collabs) Membership: Members (incl. EMCRs) with expertise and interest in developing & maintaining research partnerships and collaborations.

Seminar Series Sub-Committee

Chair: Dr Damien Esquerre Gheur

Thematic Research Programme Addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis

Seeks to understand global environmental threats and hazards, and mitigate risks for people and the environment

  • Leader: Professor Clare Murphy
  • Early Career Researcher Leader: Dr Max Desservettaz

Seeks to understand interactions between organisms, humans and the environment across a range of spatial and temporal scales

  • Leaders: Associate Professor Sarah Hamylton & Dr Bethany Hoye
  • Early Career Researcher Leader: Dr Katharina Peters

Focuses on studying the evolution of our planet over time and seeks to develop innovative and sustainable solutions

  • Leader: Dr Lloyd White
  • Early Career Researcher Leader: Dr Dominique Tanner

Focusses on understanding the relationship between people, culture and the environment over the human history of this planet

  • Leader: Professor Alex MacKay
  • Early Career Researcher Leader: Dr Nathan Jankowski

Cross-cutting theme that enhance research strengths across other themes and leverages member capabilities to innovate environmental solutions using environmental and remote sensors, statistical analyses, modelling, artificial intelligence and big data

  • Leader: Dr Hugh Forehead
  • Early Career Researcher Leader: Dr Jeffrey Kelleway