A core aim of GeoQuEST is to support high value research and the development of significant partnerships
- Silurian coral research in central-western NSW
- Poldark GeoQuEST report - Nutman - 2020 Funding
- Supratidal forest monitoring network
- Of droughts and flooding rains - the development of a palaeoflood record for the Murray-Darling Basin
- A girl's addiction to using GPR (Ground-Penetrating Radar)
- The ancient Macedonians, climate, and the landscape’s response: A fragile system
- MORB and an ophiolite at the dawn of time
- Moving sea level: Unearthing estuarine muds buried below Bulli Beach shifts when sea-level last rose a metre by a millennium
- The vulnerability of reef islands in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands [PDF] - Meagan Lowe - the vulnerability of reef islands in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands from Meagan Lowe on Vimeo.
- Attacking a Nunatak (West Greenland) [PDF]
- Chemical fingerprinting of trace elements in quartz [PDF]
- Coastal – looking back to the future: With the GOaL to gain insight on Anthropocene beaches from Holocene and Pleistocene shorelines [PDF]
- Olivine and fluids in suprasubduction mantle in deep time (3700 Ma) [PDF]
- Raiders of the lost Cretaceous arc (Kurdistan) [PDF]
- Coastal – Gaining insight on beach behaviour using geophysics and geochronology [PDF] GeoQuEST research collaboration
- Laccase immobilization on adsorbents for degradation of sewage-derived resistant pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) [PDF]
- Cathodoluminescence imaging [PDF]: GeoQuest contribution to new facility
- Cosmogenic nuclide mineral separation [PDF]: GeoQuest contribution to new facility
- Isotopic applications in groundwater recharge studies [PDF]: GeoQuEST collaboration between UOW and Hohai University, China
- Laser ablation multi-collector ICPMS [PDF]: GeoQuest contribution to new facility
- The role of extreme events in shaping the earth surface [PDF]: GeoQuest research collaboration
- Wandering continents back to the dawn of time [PDF]