
Affiliated Members

  • Dr Steven Blanksby
  • Professor Martin Brand (Buck Institute Age Research, Novato, California, USA)
  • Dr Kim Ekroos (ZORA Biosciences, Finland)
  • Dr Dilys Freeman (Glasgow University, Scotland)
  • Associate Professor Katharina Gaus (UNSW and Centre for Vascular Research)
  • Professor Wendy Jessup (UNSW and Centre for Vascular Research)
  • Dr Eduoard Kraffe
  • Dr Carsten Schmitz-Peiffer (Garvan Institute)
  • Professor Len Storlien (University of Sydney)
  • Professor Roger Truscott (University of Sydney and Save Sight Institute)
  • Dr Nigel Turner (Garvan Institute)
  • Professor Mark Willcox (UNSW and Institute for Eye Research)