Day two: Saturday, 15 March, 2025
Ray Cleary Building 300 UG04
10:50-11:05: KATHERINE RILEY:
Domestic violence – understanding the rural landscape. A scoping review
11:10-11:25: KAREN HAYES:
Preparing occupational therapy students for practice in rural areas: Initial results of a scoping review
11:30-11:45: KAREN HAYES:
Workforce drought: the persistent maldistribution of the occupational therapy workforce
11:50-12:05: KARLA KUZMINS:
Unveiling the hidden rural workforce: Exploring nursing roles and challenges in multipurpose services
13:15-13:40: TRACEY PARNELL:
Staff education promotes inclusivity and accessibility of health services for people with disability
13:45-14:00: SAMANTHA AVITAIA:
Growing our own – regional healthcare traineeship collaboration
14:05-14:20: AYELE KASA:
Measuring the effects of nurse-led frailty intervention on community-dwelling older people
Community responses to Covid-19 containment and its socio-economic impact in rural Kwara State of Nigeria
15:20-15:35: LOUISE ROSER:
Strengthening the local workforce to meet local need
Ray Cleary Building 300 UG03
How can rural towns attract and retain GPs? A grey literature review
11:10-11:25: DR COLIN CORTIE:
Medical specialists in Australia: Who are they and where are they working?
11:30-11:45: ISABELLE MEYER:
Supporting the rural workforce through National Dementia Education and Training Standards
11:50-12:05: ANNE DAVIS:
Why (not) rural practice? The literature springboard
13:45-14:00: EMILY VOHRALIK:
Rural Australians’ perceptions of the health impacts of extreme weather events: a systematic review
14:05-14:20: CLARE O’TOOLE:
The impact of remoteness on ADHD assessment availability in Australia
15:00-15:15: KAREN HAYES:
Mapping disease burden across modified Monash levels of remoteness in Australia
The use and effectiveness of sunscreens in workplace and recreational situations