Doctor of

Medicine is an exciting and challenging profession. The Doctor of Medicine at UOW aims to produce knowledgeable, caring, and competent graduates, who are well prepared to practise medicine under supervision as interns and subsequently to commence postgraduate specialist training in any area of medicine. UOW offers a four-year program of study and encourages applications from a diverse range of backgrounds.

The UOW Graduate School of Medicine aims to enrol applicants who have a high level of achievement in a higher education program of study, personal qualities that are important for success as a medical student and as a future medical practitioner, and a commitment and desire to contribute to health outcomes in regional, rural, and remote Australia. 

MD Program

The Graduate School of Medicine aims to engage, partner with, and respond to workforce and health needs of our local, regional, and rural communities.  We will listen to and build reciprocal relationships with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Our purpose is to improve health and wellbeing through best practice medical education and meaningful research.

About the Graduate School of Medicine and our mission

The UOW MD program reflects a contemporary approach to medical education. Medical practitioners from UOW local communities as well as and health practitioners from other health professions are extensively involved in all aspects of the MD program.

The MD aims to prepare graduates with knowledge of basic, medical and systems sciences, knowledge of Indigenous health, social and cultural determinants of health, health advocacy skills, skills for clinical practice  and culturally safe patient care, and research skills. The MD also prepares graduates to meet the professional expectations, as well as legal and ethical requirements of the medical profession.

The Doctor of Medicine is a four-year degree, with each academic year being approximately 42 weeks in length. It is offered only as a full-time degree and uses a combination of face-to-face teaching and learning sessions, clinical placements, blended and online learning, and self-directed learning. Teaching and learning happens on either of three campuses (Wollongong, Shoalhaven or Southern Highlands) and either of eight rural hubs.

The first 18 months is based on either of the three campuses, with some community placements. The following two and half years are predominantly immersed in clinical settings. This includes 12 months (Phase 2) focused on a range of clinical disciplines and the following 12 months (Phase 3) in an ‘integrated clinical clerkship’. The MD has a strong focus on regional, rural, and remote healthcare so many clinical placements are in those locations in NSW. For some students, all clinical placements will be undertaken in a rural location. MD students in Phase 2 may also be placed in one of the rural campuses. and all Australian MD students will experience Phase 3 in a regional or rural location. The final 6 months of the MD focusses on working in healthcare teams in clinical settings and readiness for clinical practice as an intern. A rural placement cannot be guaranteed for international students.

Domestic applicants can chose the Rural End-to-End Medical Education track, which offers all parts of the MD to be done in a rural location, or the Rural-Regional Combined Medical Education Track, which offers a combination of placements.

The program uses a range of teaching-learning methods including:

  • clinical teaching in metropolitan, regional or rural locations including hospitals, clinics, general practice and community health settings.
  • small group learning activities and group work.
  • seminars, workshops and tutorials.

On completion of the UOW MD, all graduates must undertake a prescribed period of pre-vocational training to be eligible for unconditional registration as a medical practitioner in NSW. This training (referred to as internship) occurs under supervision as determined by the NSW Health Education & Training Institute (HETI). Graduates who satisfactorily complete pre-vocational training will be registered as Medical Practitioners in NSW and eligible to apply for registration in Australia and New Zealand.

International graduates of the MD program are not automatically entitled to internship, registration, or access to a provider number in Australia. More information on practicing medicine in Australia can be found on the Medical Board AHPRA website.

Testimonial - Jennifer

Graduate Medicine student smiling at camera

I’m interested in the critical care specialties and hope to continue working around rural or regional Australia and overseas at some point doing humanitarian healthcare. UOW Graduate Medicine makes you very adaptable to new environments and I’d like to challenge myself in this way throughout my career.

Jennifer Evans
Doctor of Medicine

Become one of the world's most employable graduates

There is a forecasted growth of 25.1% within Health Care and Social Assistance and with this brings increased employment opportunities and career options. Health care has been the primary provider of new jobs within Australia and is projected to make the largest contribution to employment growth from 2017 to 2022. Source: Employment Projections.

UOW is strongly committed to the training of high-quality doctors who are able to choose any career path within medicine and practice in any location – metropolitan, regional, rural or remote. Our graduates undertake speciality training in a wide range of specialties

Here are just some of the specialties you could pursue:

  • General practice
  • Rural generalism
  • Internal medicine
  • Anaesthetics
  • Surgery
  • Emergency medicine
  • Pathology
  • Psychiatry
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Paediatrics
  • Radiology.

Read more: What can I do with my degree?

Belong to one of the best

Our medicine degrees rank among the best in the world:

  • Exceptional graduate outcomes: In the 2021 Good Universities Guide, UOW ranked first in Australia for graduates in full-time employment for Medicine. UOW also ranked first in NSW for median starting salary, overall quality and teaching quality for Medicine
  • Number 1 in NSW: UOW ranked first in NSW/ACT for student experience in Medicine, in the Federal Government's Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) 2021.


  • We give all students the opportunity to undertake a 12 month longitudinal integrated clinical placement in a rural or regional community across NSW (70% of students undertake this clinical placement rurally).
  • The MD degree incorporates extensive placements to prepare graduates to practise medicine under supervision as interns, or continue specialist training in any area of medicine.
  • Almost 50% of the entire four-year medical program is delivered rurally

Two Doctor of Medicine students in a simulated laboratory

UOW maintains strong links with industry bodies, such as the Local Health Districts, Private Health providers and Heath Agencies to ensure programs are relevant to the latest industry developments. 

Our courses are taught by professionals who are world-leading experts and experienced practitioners/clinicians so the skills and knowledge you acquire can be applied to real-world challenges today and in the future. Our professional health degrees are highly respected and valued by industry.



You'll benefit from studying in a university that is deeply immersed in medical research - and the home of Molecular Horizons.



A doctor’s search for adventure

From Arnhem Land to Antarctica, Dr Rhys Harding has always searched for adventure. Now, the UOW graduate has certainly found it, as the only doctor on the ground at a research station in Antartica.

Read more

Celebrating student excellence

The Emeritus Professor John Hogg Memorial Lecture and Prize Night is held by the Graduate School of Medicine annually to recognise academic excellence.

Discover more about the 2024 event View photo gallery

Top 5

The latest QILT Employer Satisfaction Survey ranked UOW fifth among Australian public universities and 2nd in NSW, with overall satisfaction of graduates at 87.3 per cent.

Employer Satisfaction Survey Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) 2022

Ways to pay for your degree

HECS-CSP icon PG CLP 2019

Commonwealth supported places (CSP)

Eligible students will be automatically offered a CSP if places are still available. This means the Government will fund up to 75% of your tuition fees.


In addition to CSPs, eligible students can access HECS-HELP to defer all or part of their course fees.

Graduate icon

6 ways to make a postgraduate degree affordable

To help you navigate all your options, we’ve listed a range of ways you can save on study.

Without a Commonwealth supported place, studying wouldn't have been an option for me. I've gained given skills and experiences that have set me up for a career in my field. Lisa Gilogley