Student Management Package (SMP)

Scheduled outage this weekend

Outage this weekend: Saturday 13 July 2024 6 pm to Sunday 14 July 2024 8 am due to IMTS scheduled outages.

Access to all Student Management Package (SMP) systems may be impacted.

Welcome to the Student Management Package (SMP). These pages will provide you with help documentation, general advice and log in screens for SAI, Subject Database and SMP_Central.


If you require access to SMP systems, we require that you complete an access request form.

  • For staff with access to the UOW intranet, access request forms can be found on our intranet site.
  • For staff without access to the UOW intranet, contact us via our ServiceNOW portal and we will assist you with your access requirements and provide you with appropriate access request forms.

Privacy and data management

All staff accessing the student systems are reminded of their responsibility to comply with UOW’s Privacy Policy and IT Acceptable Use Policy.

You must not access, use, disclose, reproduce or deal with any confidential or personal information except where it relates to a legitimate business function which is specific to your role at UOW.

You must use your best endeavours to prevent unauthorised disclosure of any confidential or personal information to any person or body.

All UOW Data should be stored on UOW Approved devices or storage solutions in line with UOW's IT Acceptable Use Policy.

Contact Student Systems

Student Systems is responsible for the ongoing support, maintenance and development of the Student Management Package (SMP).