Combined classes

Combined Classes Request Form

This form is to be used by UOW staff to request their classes (UOW subject instances) running in Autumn or Spring sessions to be combined in SMP_Central by the Student Systems Team.

If the conditions outlined on this page are met, subject instances can be combined to form a synonym. Once combined, a user can view a consolidated list of the instances in the class roll (apparent with a new Class ID column). 

Requestors must read the Important Information prior to submitting a request. 

Important information

Requests for combined classes must be made by the Subject Co-ordinator (or on their behalf). If you share the role of Subject Co-ordinator for any of the instances requested for combination, please ensure you discuss this request with the relevant staff in your school and relevant peers prior to submitting the request.

Will students enrolled in the combined class be required to enrol in Tutorial Groups?

Important: It is not feasible to request to combine classes from different campuses if students are required to enrol in Tutorial Groups. Once classes are combined, students are only able to see and enrol (via SOLS) in the groups that have been defined for the Primary Instance. 

Any groups scheduled for Secondary instances will only appear in the Public Timetable and students will not be able to see and enrol (via SOLS) in Secondary instance groups.

Please note: a 'class' is a subject instance - the unique combination of Year, Subject Code, Session, Campus, Delivery Method and Class Number.


Conditions for Combined Classes 

  • Combined Classes are only available to subjects that sit on the UOW Subject Calendar
  • Requests for Combined Classes must be made BEFORE any Groups are defined and/or any Tasks are setup in SMP_Central
  • Subject instances can only be combined if they are running in the same session
  • Subject instances have exactly the same number of tasks, same marked out of and same weightings in SMP_Central
  • Subject instances should only be combined if students enrolled in each of the classes will be enrolling in the same tutorial/practical/lab groups
    • If students from each of the classes are not enrolling in the same groups, please provide more information below and discuss these requests to combine classes with the Student Systems team on 4221 5983

    • E.g. Wollongong and regional campus classes would not be combined if Wollongong has on campus tutorials as regional students should not be enrolling in the Wollongong on campus groups

  • Staff associated with the PRIMARY instance must also be associated with all SECONDARY instances. Contact your schools Subject Database contact if you require assistance with teaching access

Please Note: Once a combined class has been made, it can not be uncombined once students have enrolled. Please ensure you have considered if combined classes are suitable.
If you have any questions, please contact us (See page footer).


The closing date for Spring session 2024 Combined Classes Requests was Wednesday 8 May, 2024.

Requests after this cut-off date may not be possible to accommodate. 
Should you have any questions or need to discuss requirement for Combined Classes, please feel free to contact us via our contact details below


Contact Student Systems

Student Systems is responsible for the ongoing support, maintenance and development of the Student Management Package (SMP).