Our story
Higher education plays a critical role in Australia's society and economy. It's really vital that we have a good understanding of how students experience higher education and how academics teach in higher education, so that we have a strong evidence base to inform policy and innovation in the sector.
I'm Shirley Agostino and I lead the research group CHERII. We are a group of leading researchers in education with an overall mission of better understanding student experiences at university and how academics teach at university.
Higher education is facing many challenges but also has many opportunities, a key aspect of our research group is to understand those challenges, why they are occurring, how could they be overcome so that we could use that to leverage opportunities.
Never before in higher education have we had a situation where we have so many students coming from all walks of life to university and so we need to have a really solid understanding of the student experience of all students, how they are engaging in university, what their experiences are like, these are all really important issues that need to be explored in order for us to have a strong and effective higher education sector that will support all students to be successful.
Our focus is to help people, help students be the best learners they can be, and help teachers to provide the best quality experiences for their students
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