Research the role

The more you know about yourself (experience, skills, values, motivators), and the more you know of your audience/target employer (their industry, culture, clients, products and services), the easier it is for you to identify how you can add value to their organisation. See our resources below on how to assess your fit for a role and outline that through your writing, talking and in person communication.

Identify and discover your motivations, interests, skills, values and experiences with our online self-assessments:

Connect with others in similar roles, find out who hires roles, why do people leave roles, what are the challenges and opportunities of a position.

Research the employer/company and identify the company values, their structure, get a feel for their staff satisfaction and work place culture.

How do I do this? This can be done by researching the company website, social media platforms, media releases, and well as looking at annual reports and financial data.

Have a look at our online resources related to researching employers.

Job advertisements often list responsibilities separate to the job criteria. It is the criteria you need to assess against your experience when determining your fit for the role.

You can also speak to people that are currently in these roles in other companies, to get a feel for what the role is really like. This is called Informational Interviewing.

Tip: Do not apply 'en masse' to 30-50 organisations. A targeted application, from researching and tailoring, will stand out from the crowd.

Additional online resources

How to add some sparkle to your cover letter
Five steps to addressing key selection criteria
Resume Builder