Postgraduate students

Masters graduates pursue a wide variety of job roles across many sectors. Whatever your career plans, it’s important to take time while at UOW to reflect on your skills and capabilities, to learn more about your career options, to actively enhance your employability, to build your professional network, and start to plan for your next career steps. We're here to provide you with resources, events and updates to help you do this.

Looking for casual work? 

Attend Careers events and workshops

Visit UOW JobBoard

  • Visit the online JobBoard for a selection of volunteer, casual, part-time, internship and degree related job opportunities.

Job application support

  • Whether you are looking for a professional role or a casual/part time role whilst you are studying we offer a range of online resources and workshops to assist.
    • For general guidance on developing your job application documents such as your cover letter and resume, answering selection criteria, and interview techniques go to applying for jobs.
    • Use our Resume Builder to make improvements to your resume.
  • Gain instant feedback on your resume using our new AI resume review tool Resume360.
  • Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn profile and use LinkedIn to build your professional network.
  • For employment opportunities, including casual employment, go to  (located under "Finding that Job").
  • You can also have your revised resume reviewed by our careers and employability staff.

Book a Career Chat

  • Careers & Employability has a team of experienced careers and employability staff who you can talk with to discuss your career thinking and what you might do during and after your studies. Book a Career Chat today.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs provide students with the opportunity to enhance your employability by applying and testing your knowledge and skills acquired in your studies in a professional work environment. Internships (vacation work or work placements) can occur onsite (at the premise of an external organisation or the University) and virtually (online).  An internship provides students with the opportunity to:

  • Gain industry knowledge, new skills and identify potential career paths
  • Make useful industry contacts and grow your professional network
  • Gain relevant experience to include on your Resume
  • Apply your academic skills in a practical, real-world environment
  • Develop social and communication skills suitable for the workplace
  • Explore available Work Integrated Learning (WIL) subjects at UOW. You can also apply for employability programs such as Univative or the UOW Mentoring Program.
  • Virtual Internships such as those on Forage (formerly InsideSherpa) provide you with a valuable opportunity to participate in an online work-integrated experience which can be completed in your own time with minimal commitment (approx. 5-6 hours).
  • You can also search for industry internships through job boards such as the UOW JobBoard, GradConnection, Seek and LinkedIn.
  • Whether the internship is paid or unpaid depends on the nature of the work performed and whether an employment relationship exists. For more information visit Fair Work Australia.


There are many opportunities for you to expand your personal relationships, engage with your community and experience personal growth and employability skill development while at UOW.

  • To get involved in co-curricular activities whilst studying and be recognised for what you do, take a look at UOWx
  • Our Peer Mentoring Program provides guidance and support to new international students to help adjust to life at University and life in Australia – you can become a Peer Mentor through UOWx
  • Volunteering allows you to meet new people, gain valuable employability skills, and contribute to your community – for volunteering opportunities go to Volunteering NSW and Study NSW
  • Join a club, society or group such as Meet Up; UOW Clubs & Societies; Toastmasters

Understanding the labour market, growth industries and key skills of the future are all essential components to prepare yourself for life after study. Career Launchpad's World of Work section contains some great introductory information and resources related to the Australian labour market. (Please note that Career Launchpad is not compulsory for post-graduate students, but all UOW students can access this module).

We also suggest you take a look at these General Resources, and make sure you visit the UOW Library and enquire about the range of labour market information available to you.

Whether you plan to leverage your MBA to start a new business, plan for a promotion or advancement in your career, or work towards a completely new career direction, we can assist in ensuring you are supported in your career planning.

  • Book in for a personalised careers consultation to assist you with identifying your career development needs and clarify your future career direction (email details below).
  • Gain access to undertake the Career Leader online self-assessment tool. Career Leader is a great opportunity to learn more about your life interests, your business skills and your own work/reward values. For appointments, contact:
    • Wollongong and Sydney CBD campus students - Nicole Pearson:  (Tues, Thurs and Fri)
  • Complete the online career development learning module specifically designed for MBA students. Learn more about yourself and how to navigate a career change or advancement, enhance your online presence and further develop your employability skills. Please note: a CareerHub login required to access this module. If you don't have one, you can register with CareerHub for free.