Employer Presentations

What is an Employer Presentation?

Employers are always on the look out for new talent, particularly talented UOW students! Start thinking about your future employment and make connections with employers by attending an Employer Presentation! These sessions feature employers highlighting job opportunities at their organisation, the recruitment process and more. 

Any upcoming presentations will be listed on the Careers events page.

Employer Presentation recordings

If you missed a presentation, you can watch the recordings using your CareerHub login details.

Build your career network

Work on your networking skills by completing our free online self-guided module; How to: build your career network.

UOW CareerHub events

Mynavi Career Seminar and Advisory Session

Starts: 24 Mar 2025, 12:00 pm
Finishes: 24 Mar 2025, 2:00 pm
Venue: Wollongong campus, Thought Bubble, Building 11, Level 1
Explore the career possibilities waiting for you in Japan!