Career information for your major
- Exercise Science
- Indigenous Health
- Medical and Health Sciences
- Medical and Radiation Physics
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nutrition Science
Discipline Overview
Exercise scientists look at the effect of exercise on human performance. They design, implement and evaluate exercise and physical activity for a wide range of people within the community. They provide programs for improving general health, the prevention of chronic diseases, health promotion and enhanced sports performance. Students study anatomy, physiology, exercise physiology, exercise prescription, nutrition, neuromechanics, and biomechanics as part of your core subjects. You will gain a basic understanding of the anatomical and physiological basis of human motion and the effect of exercise on human performance in sport, industry, ageing and in healthy living.
Key employability skills
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
- Outstanding research and information sourcing skills
- Strong critical thinking, judgment and decision making skills
- Ability to use appropriate technologies for research and administrative purposes.
- Strong team work skills with the ability to work collaboratively
Related occupations
Find out what kinds of positions you could apply for with your major by researching some of the jobs in your field.
- Cardiac Technologist
- Case Officer
- Exercise Physiologist
- Exercise Rehab Consultant
- Exercise Scientist
- Exercise Therapist
- Health Consultant
- Healthy Lifestyles Trainer
- Rehabilitation Consultant
- Sports Administrators
- Sports and Exercise Physician
- Sports Program Manager
- Therapy Assistant
Explore what types of organisations you would like to work for through looking at some of the employers in your field.
- Active Work Solutions
- Allcare Physiotherapy
- Allianz
- Alpha One
- Australian Health
- Australian Injury Management
- Bfit Australia
- Body Dynamics Exercise & Sport Physiology
- ClinicAll
- Diabetes Australia
- Diagnosis Physiotherapy Pty Ltd
- Health Balance
- Illawarra Academy of Sport
- Illawarra Disability Trust
- Kinetic Rehabilitation
- Lawrence Hargrave Hospital
- Lend Lease Primelife
- Mounties RLFC
- Movement Medicine
- Mt Wilga Private Rehabilitation Hospital
- Northern Suburbs Physiotherapy
- NSW Health
- Ontrac Lifestyle Management
- Peak Conditioning
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- Sutherland Leisure Centre
- Thirroul Physiotherapy Clinic
- Uniting Care Ageing
- Westmead Hospital
- Workfocus Australia
Key industry job websites
Formal graduate programs
Make sure you consider the fast tracked career pathway programs which are offered by some large corporate organisations and government agencies.
Some employers take Exercise Science graduates as part of their Generalist streams.
Below are some examples of employers offering formal graduate programs related to your field of study
- AusAid
- Teach for Australia
- Department of Defence: Defence Science and Technology Organisation
- Area Health Services
- Queensland Government
- Victorian Government
Professional bodies and associations
Build your career network and stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry by joining a professional association.
- Exercise and Sports Science Australia
- Occupational Therapy Australia
- Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM)
- Australian Physiotherapy Association
- Student Heath Alliance for Rural Populations (SHARP)
Postgraduate study options
UOW offers postgraduate study options if you want to pursue further research or specialise through academic coursework.
If you are interested furthering your studies in your field, UOW offers:
- Doctor of Philosophy (Health Sciences)
- Masters of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning
- Doctor of Philosophy Integrated (Health and Medical)
Course information
Discipline Overview
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face a unique set of personal and community health issues. Professionals working in this field require a broad set of skills and knowledge to deliver effective, responsive and compassionate health care. The course covers areas including community health, community development, cultural issues, comparative Indigenous health issues and Indigenous health research. These are complemented with study in Aboriginal Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Education and other related areas.
Job opportunities include working in the community sector, Aboriginal Medical Services and/or with State or Federal health agencies. Graduates may be interested in working in rural or remote community development, health promotion, planning or policy.
Key employability skills
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Strong organisational skills
- Cultural awareness and sensitivity
- Able to work independently and as part of a team
Related occupations
Find out what kinds of positions you could apply for with your major by researching some of the jobs in your field.
- Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Mentor
- Aboriginal Health Officer
- Acting Team Leader
- Career Support Officer
- Community Housing Worker
- Consultant Psychologist
- Coordinator of Men’s Centre
- Drug & Alcohol Counsellor
- Graduate Australian Public Service
- Health Promotion Officer
- Lab Assistant
- Policy Officer
- Public Servant
Explore what types of organisations you would like to work for through looking at some of the employers in your field.
- Aboriginal Employment Strategy
- Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation
- Bankstown Women’s Health Centre
- Centre for Corporate Health
- Department of Health and Ageing
- Housing Trust
- Kimberley Area Medical Service
- Northern Beaches Christian School
- NSW Health
- On Track Community Programs
- South Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area Health Service
- Wellington Aboriginal Health Service
Key industry job websites
Formal graduate programs
Make sure you consider the fast tracked career pathway programs which are offered by some large corporate organisations and government agencies.
Many graduate employers take Indigenous Health graduates as part of their Generalist streams.
Below are some examples of employers offering formal graduate programs related to your field of study.
- Department of Health Graduate Program
- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet: Indigenous Affairs Stream
Professional bodies and associations
Build your career network and stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry by joining a professional association.
- Australia’s National Institute for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Research
- The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association (NATSIHWA)
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- Indigenous Allied Health Australia
Post graduate/additional studies
On completion, high performing students considering further study or a career in research should consider the Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) program. This one-year degree offers students a pathway to expand their knowledge of medical and health sciences and achieve their research aspirations. You may also be interested in:
Discipline overview
Medical and health science provides insight into the structure and function of the human body at all levels. This knowledge can be used directly to work alongside other health professionals within the medical research and clinical health fields in both private industry and hospital settings. Medical and Health professionals are involved in the development of therapies, application of diagnostic methods and treatments associated with health and disease.
Graduates have a thorough understanding of the scientific basis of human structure, function and health and may use this as an underpinning set of knowledge for postgraduate medicine, dentistry, and most other allied health professional areas.
Key employability skills
Graduates can use their skills across a range of careers. It is vital for you to not only become more aware of the skills you will gain through your course and other experiences, and also to learn to effectively articulate these skills to prospective employers.
The following is a sample list of key skills adapted from the course learning outcomes and the QAA UK subject benchmark statement for this discipline.
- Communication with the ability to present ideas and clearly explain medical and health concepts within a wide variety of audiences, through a range of media.
- Ability to critically analyse health and health issues utilising health information and data drawn from a range of disciplines
- Ability to integrate and apply scientific knowledge and skills in the area of medical science and health as it relates to professional practice and/or scholarship
- Demonstrate effective leadership approaches, including working across boundaries, to drive innovation within organisations and independently
- Ability work with a range of stakeholders, networks, groups and organisations, taking responsibility for an agreed area of shared activity
Related occupations
Whether you are considering a number of career possibilities, are starting to think deeply about your career future or have a clear career idea in mind, it’s useful to explore the range of career possibilities available.
Below is a list of jobs held by UOW graduates sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to two years after graduation).
- Pharmacy Assistant
- Dental Assistant
- Claims Assessor
- Pathology Collector
- Radio Pharmaceutical Officer
- Optical Dispenser
- Medical Scientific Officer
- Technical Assistant
- Medical & Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
- Medical Laboratory Technical Officer
- Research Assistant
- Hospital Assistant
- Disability Support Worker
Explore the type of organisations you would like to work for by looking at some of the employers in your field.
Below is a list of UOW graduate employers sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to two years after graduation).
- NSW Health
- Sonic Healthcare
- NSW Health Pathology
- Civic Disability Services
- National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
- Hahn Healthcare
- Servier International
- Laverty Pathology
- Specsavers
- Fullerton Health Australia
- Pharmacy Express
Key industry job websites
Many industries have job websites dedicated to careers within their industry. These also often have links to other career resources.
- – NSW Health
- – NSW public sector job site
- – Not for profit and community jobs
- – Not for profit jobs
If postgraduate specialisation is undertaken, many specialist areas have their own professional association job boards.
Be aware that LinkedIn Jobs is increasingly used by employers to target graduates.
Formal graduate programs
Make sure you consider the fast tracked career pathway programs which are offered by some large corporate organisations and government agencies. Here are some of the organisations that take graduates of this discipline.
- Plena Healthcare
- Johnson & Johnson
- Blackdot Consulting
- Services Australia
- Deloitte
- Smith & Nephew
Details of relevant graduate recruitment programs can be found on websites such as GradConnection.
Career research and networks
When researching possible careers, obtaining relevant information from a range of sources helps inform your career decisions.
Map my Health Career - NSW Ministry of Health explains medical and allied health specialties
Medical career planning – Factsheets and workforce modelling by NSW Health
My Health Career – Information about careers in health by practitioners working in health
My Health Career videos – hear from health practitioners in a range of specialties
Labour Market Information Portal – Australian government website with salaries, industry growth and required skills for a wide range of jobs
Your career – Australian government website with a range of careers information
Postgraduate study and research
Medical and Health Sciences provides a base knowledge for postgraduate study in medicine, dentistry and most allied health specialties.
You can specialise through academic coursework or pursue further research studies. Explore UOW's postgraduate coursework degrees and Higher Degrees by Research or postgraduate courses from other institutions for specific careers of interest.
Developing industry experience
Graduate employers increasingly value industry experience as an addition to formal qualifications to demonstrate your employability skills. This work related experience can be obtained through university internship subjects, co-curricular activities, student exchange or volunteering.
UOWx – A range of co-curricular activities available for UOW students
Course information
The relevant undergraduate degree options available at UOW for this discipline are listed below. You may also wish to explore available courses more broadly to see if you might be interested in pursuing a double major or a double degree.
Discipline overview
Medical and radiation physicists work in many different fields related to human health in order to improve quality of life. They are familiar with aspects of ionising and non-ionising radiation used for radiation medicine. They are familiar with various forms of therapeutic radiation oncology as well as different methods of diagnostic radiation imaging, and the mechanisms of how such radiation interacts with the human body. They are also familiar with exciting new radiation medicine technologies being developed for the continued improvement in the treatment of human diseases.
You will graduate with a strong background in physics as well as specialist theoretical, practical and programming skills in radiation medicine that are necessary to find employment in hospitals, research laboratories or related industries. If you continue your studies to an Honours or Master degree, you will learn about Nuclear Medicine, Radiobiology and Radiation Protection in hospitals.
Key employability skills
Graduates can use their skills across a range of careers. It is vital for you to not only become more aware of the skills you will gain through your course and other experiences, and also to learn to effectively articulate these skills to prospective employers.
The following is a sample list of key skills adapted from the QAA UK subject benchmark statement for this discipline. The full skills list can be found at QAA UK.
- plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation
- use appropriate methods to analyse data, to evaluate the level of its uncertainty and to take this into account in the development of work and to relate any conclusion made to current theories of the physics involved
- use appropriate software such as programming languages and purpose-written packages
- compare critically the results of theoretical and computational modelling with those from experiment and observation
- communication skills - ability to listen carefully, to read demanding texts, and to present complex information in a clear and concise manner to a range of different audiences
Related occupations
Whether you are considering a number of career possibilities, are starting to think deeply about your career future or have a clear career idea in mind, it’s useful to explore the range of career possibilities available.
Below is a list of jobs held by UOW graduates up to four months out from graduation, sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey.
- Data Analyst
- Physics and Science Teacher
- Sterilisation Technician
- Technical Officer
- University Academic and Research Staff
The following list is of jobs held by UOW graduates up to three years out from graduation, sourced from UOW LinkedIn Alumni. Some of these graduates have undertaken further study:
- University Academic/Research Staff
- Nanotechnologist
- Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist
- Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physicist
- Science/Physics/Math/Technology Teacher
- Experimental Scientist
- Radiation Protection Officer
- Computer Scientist
- Nuclear Engineer
Explore the type of organisations you would like to work for by looking at some of the employers in your field.
Below is a list of UOW graduate employers up to four months out from graduation, sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey.
- Novigi
- Tibra
- Tutoring for Excellence
- University of NSW
- University of Queensland
- University of Wollongong
The following list of UOW graduate employers up to three years out from graduation is sourced from UOW LinkedIn Alumni.
- Universities worldwide
- Australian & NZ Hospitals and Health Care Facilities
- Department of Defence Science and Technology (DST)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO)
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Newcrest Mining
- IP Australia
- High Schools and Coaching Centres Australia-wide
Key industry job websites
Many industries have job websites dedicated to careers within their industry. These also often have links to other career resources. Also be aware that LinkedIn Jobs is increasingly used by employers to target graduates.
Formal graduate programs
Make sure you consider the fast tracked career pathway programs which are offered by some large corporate organisations and government agencies.
Graduate programs are 1-2 year paid rotational programs offered by large organisations and government agencies. Applications generally open from February each year and are open to final year students or graduates up to two years after graduation. Below are examples of graduate employers who take Physics graduates into their graduate programs.
Details of relevant graduate recruitment programs can be found on websites such as GradConnection.
Career research and networks
When researching possible careers, obtaining relevant information from a range of sources helps inform your career decisions.
Labour Market Information Portal – Australian government website with salaries, industry growth and required skills for a wide range of jobs
Your career – Australian government website with a range of careers information
UK Prospects – a UK based career exploration site
Build your career network and stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry by joining a professional association.
- Australian Institute of Physics
- Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM)
Postgraduate study and research
Some career paths require postgraduate study. The 2019 Graduate Outcomes Report identified that 18.9% of undergraduates Australia wide were engaged in postgraduate study four months after graduation.
You can specialise through academic coursework or pursue further research studies. Explore UOW's postgraduate coursework degrees and Higher Degrees by Research or postgraduate courses from other institutions for specific careers of interest.
UOW offers postgraduate study options if you want to pursue further research or academic coursework. If you have other career interests, you may want to research online for relevant post-graduate qualifications. If you are interested furthering your studies in your field, UOW offers:
- Master of Science (Medical Radiation Physics)
- Master of Philosophy (Physics)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Physics
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Medical Radiation Physics
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Materials Science
Developing industry experience
Graduate employers increasingly value industry experience as an addition to formal qualifications to demonstrate your employability skills. This work related experience can be obtained through university internship subjects, co-curricular activities, student exchange or volunteering.
UOW Work experience subjects – Formal work integrated learning subjects available at UOW across all disciplines.
UOWx – A range of co-curricular activities available for UOW students
Discipline overview
Nutritionists are scientists who attain, maintain and promote the health of the public through nutrition research, communication of nutrition information or public health forums. Dietitians are specialist nutritionists who, in addition to these research and public health roles, are accredited to work with individuals and groups to help improve their health outcomes and quality of life. This occurs in settings such as the community, hospitals, private practice, research, and food service.
The Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) has full accreditation with the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), making all graduates eligible for the credential of Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD).
Key employability skills
Graduates can use their skills across a range of careers. It is vital for you to not only become more aware of the skills you will gain through your course and other experiences, and also to learn to effectively articulate these skills to prospective employers.
The following is a sample list of key skills adapted from the QAA UK subject benchmark statement for this discipline. The full skills list can be found at QAA UK.
- Demonstrate familiarity with nutrition and dietetic theories, concepts and principles
- Demonstrate interpersonal skills and an ability to work independently and to establish effectively collaboratively working relationships within a multi-disciplinary team and inter-agency networks
- Ability to critically analyse, synthesise, summarise and communicate information from a variety of sources to a variety of audiences through a range of media
- Ability to tackle problems by collecting, analysing and evaluating appropriate qualitative and quantitative information, and use it creatively and imaginatively to solve problems, introduce and develop innovations, and make decisions
Related occupations
Whether you are considering a number of career possibilities, are starting to think deeply about your career future or have a clear career idea in mind, it’s useful to explore the range of career possibilities available.
Below is a list of jobs held by UOW graduates sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to four months after graduation).
- Pharmacy Technician
- Dietitian
- Diet Aide
- Business Owner
- Nutrition Consultant
- Research Dietitian
- Pathology Collector
- Nutritionist
- Research Assistant
- Nutrition Leader
- Health Promotion Officer
- Food Coach
- Personal Trainer
- Total Parenteral Nutrition Production Technician
- Nutrition Services Representative
- Health Insurance Assessor
The following list is of jobs held by UOW graduates sourced through the UOW Alumni Team or the LinkedIn Alumni Tool (up to four years after graduation). Note that some of these graduates have undertaken further study:
- Nutrition Projects Specialist
- Brand Nutritionist
- Regulatory Affairs Associate
- Regulatory Affairs Coordinator
- Clinical Dietitian
- Dietitian Research Fellow
- Research Assistant Dietitian
- Health Coach
- Health Presenter
- Holistic Gut Expert
- Media and Communications Dietitian
- Nutrition and Social Media Assistant
- Dietitian Assistant
- Business Owner
Explore the type of organisations you would like to work for by looking at some of the employers in your field.
Below is a list of employers of UOW graduates sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to four months after graduation).
- Bova compounding
- Prince of Wales Hospital
- Eat to thrive
- Fuel Your Life
- Northern Sydney Local Health District
- Vitality Works
- Self-employed/own dietician practice
- Murrumbidgee Health Service
- NSW Health
- International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)
- Leading Nutrition
- University of Wollongong
- Grayson Gulliver
- Southern IML Pathology
- Queensland Health
- Go4Fun
- Zenitas
- Health and Performance Collective
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Northern Sydney Local Health District
- Fernwood
- Ramsay Health
- Nutri-teen
- Fearless Bodies
- Feel-Good Nutrition and Fitness
- Slade Health
- SP Health
The following list of UOW graduate employers up to four years out from graduation, as advised by the UOW Alumni Team.
- Nestlé Australia
- Allied Pinnacle
- George Western Foods
- Montefiore
- Mt Wilga Private Hospital
- Dispute Resolution Centre Australia (DCRA)
- Southern NSW Local Health District
- Ontrac Specialised Health Management
- South Western Sydney Local Health District
- SmartShape Centre for Weight Management
- Australian Healthy Food Guide
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD)
- Deakin University
- Western NSW Local Health District
- Own business
Key industry job websites
Many industries have job websites dedicated to careers within their industry. These also often have links to other career resources. Also be aware that LinkedIn Jobs is increasingly used by employers to target graduates.
- NSW Government
- UOW JobBoard
- Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA) – Members only Job Vacancies
- Seek
Formal graduate programs
Some large corporate organisations and government agencies take graduates of all disciplines including Nutrition. Details of relevant graduate recruitment programs can be found on websites such as GradConnection.
- APM Group
- Royal Australian Air Force
- Amazon
- Graduate Institute of Innovation
- Arriba Group
- Everyday Independence
- Healthcare Australia – Allied Health
- Ramsay Health Care
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- DXC Technology
Career research and networks
When researching possible careers, obtaining relevant information from a range of sources helps inform your career decisions.
- Dietitians Australia – Professional accrediting body
- Nutrition Australia
- Dietitian Life – An online hub supporting dietitians in Australia
- Nutritionist & Dietetic Career Opportunities – Mallory Career guides
- Map my Health Career – NSW Ministry of Health allied health profession information
- My Health Career
- Allied Health Professions Australia
- Job Outlook – Australian government website with salaries, industry growth and required skills for a wide range of jobs
- Your career – Australian government website with a range of careers information
- Seek – Nutritionist Career Advice page
- UK Prospects – a UK based career exploration site
- Build your career network and stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry by joining a professional association.
- Dietitians Australia
- The Nutrition Society of Australia
- Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology
Postgraduate study and research
Some career paths require postgraduate study. The 2019 Graduate Outcomes Report identified that 18.9% of undergraduates Australia wide were engaged in postgraduate study four months after graduation.
You can specialise through academic coursework or pursue further research studies. Explore UOW's postgraduate coursework degrees and Higher Degrees by Research or postgraduate courses from other institutions for specific careers of interest.
Developing industry experience
Graduate employers increasingly value industry experience as an addition to formal qualifications to demonstrate your employability skills. This work related experience can be obtained through university internship subjects, co-curricular activities, student exchange or volunteering.
UOWx – A range of co-curricular activities available for UOW students
Course information
The relevant undergraduate degree options available at UOW for this discipline are listed below. You may also wish to explore available courses more broadly to see if you might be interested in pursuing a double major or a double degree.
Discipline overview
Eating well is central to supporting growth and development, preventing chronic disease, and general vitality at all stages of life.
Nutrition is the science of how the foods we eat affect our health. Nutritionists are scientists who attain, maintain and promote the health of the public through nutrition research, communication of nutrition information or public health forums.
The Bachelor of Nutrition Science provides a strong grounding in areas including nutrition science, food chemistry, biochemistry, and metabolism, as well as training in nutrition research. You will be able to apply your knowledge to a range of community settings. These include working with organisations and industries to create better nutritional standards and policies, undertaking research, and working with communities to support health through improved nutrition
Dietitians are specialist nutritionists who, in addition to these research and public health roles, are accredited to work with work directly with individuals and groups to help improve their health outcomes and quality of life. This occurs in settings such as the community, hospitals, private practice, research, and food service. The Bachelor of Nutrition Science program is designed to meet the prerequisite for admission into the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, which is required to be eligible for the credential of Accredited Practicing Dietician.
Key employability skills
Graduates can use their skills across a range of careers. It is vital for you to not only become more aware of the skills you will gain through your course and other experiences, and also to learn to effectively articulate these skills to prospective employers.
The following is a sample list of key skills adapted from the QAA UK subject benchmark statement for this discipline. The full skills list can be found at QAA UK.
- Demonstrate familiarity with nutrition and dietetic theories, concepts and principles
- Demonstrate interpersonal skills and an ability to work independently and to establish effectively collaboratively working relationships within a multi-disciplinary team and inter-agency networks
- Ability to critically analyse, synthesise, summarise and communicate information from a variety of sources to a variety of audiences through a range of media
- Ability to tackle problems by collecting, analysing and evaluating appropriate qualitative and quantitative information, and use it creatively and imaginatively to solve problems, introduce and develop innovations, and make decisions
Related occupations
Whether you are considering a number of career possibilities, are starting to think deeply about your career future or have a clear career idea in mind, it’s useful to explore the range of career possibilities available.
Below is a list of jobs held by UOW graduates sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to four months after graduation).
- Pathology Collector
- Nutritionist
- Research Assistant
- Nutrition Leader
- Health Promotion Officer
- Food Coach
- Personal Trainer
- Total Parenteral Nutrition Production Technician
- Nutrition Services Representative
- Health Insurance Assessor
The following list is of jobs held by UOW graduates sourced through the UOW Alumni Team or the LinkedIn Alumni Tool (up to four years after graduation). Note that some of these graduates have undertaken further study:
- Nutrition Projects Specialist
- Brand Nutritionist
- Regulatory Affairs Associate
- Regulatory Affairs Coordinator
- Clinical Dietitian
- Dietitian Research Fellow
- Research Assistant Dietitian
- Health Coach
- Health Presenter
- Holistic Gut Expert
- Media and Communications Dietitian
- Nutrition and Social Media Assistant
- Dietitian Assistant
Explore the type of organisations you would like to work for by looking at some of the employers in your field.
Below is a list of employers of UOW graduates sourced from the 2018 and 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey (up to four months after graduation).
- Southern IML Pathology
- Queensland Health
- Go4Fun
- Zenitas
- Health and Performance Collective
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Northern Sydney Local Health District
- Fernwood
- Ramsay Health
- Nutri-teen
- Fearless Bodies
- Feel-Good Nutrition and Fitness
- Slade Health
- SP Health
The following list of UOW graduate employers up to four years out from graduation, as advised by the UOW Alumni Team.
- Nestlé Australia Ltd.
- Allied Pinnacle
- George Western Foods
- Montefiore
- Mt Wilga Private Hospital
- Dispute Resolution Centre Australia (DCRA)
- Southern NSW Local Health District
- Ontrac Specialised Health Management
- South Western Sydney Local Health District
- SmartShape Centre for Weight Management
- Australian Healthy Food Guide
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD)
- Deakin University
- Western NSW Local Health District
Key industry job websites
Many industries have job websites dedicated to careers within their industry. These also often have links to other career resources. Also be aware that LinkedIn Jobs is increasingly used by employers to target graduates.
- NSW Government
- UOW JobBoard
- Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA) – Members only Job Vacancies
- Seek
Formal graduate programs
Some large corporate organisations and government agencies take graduates of all disciplines including Nutrition. Details of relevant graduate recruitment programs can be found on websites such as GradConnection.
- APM Group
- Royal Australian Air Force
- Amazon
- Graduate Institute of Innovation
- Arriba Group
- Everyday Independence
- Healthcare Australia – Allied Health
- Ramsay Health Care
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- DXC Technology
Career research and networks
When researching possible careers, obtaining relevant information from a range of sources helps inform your career decisions.
Dietitians Australia – Professional accrediting body
Dietitian Life – An online hub supporting dietitians in Australia
Nutritionist & Dietetic Career Opportunities – Mallory Career guides
Map my Health Career – NSW Ministry of Health allied health profession information
Allied Health Professions Australia
Labour Market Information Portal – Australian government website with salaries, industry growth and required skills for a wide range of jobs
Your career – Australian government website with a range of careers information
Seek – Nutritionist Career Advice page
UK Prospects – a UK based career exploration site
Build your career network and stay up to date with the latest developments in your industry by joining a professional association.
The Nutrition Society of Australia
Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology
Public Health Association of Australia
Postgraduate study and research
Some career paths require postgraduate study. The 2019 Graduate Outcomes Report identified that 18.9% of undergraduates Australia wide were engaged in postgraduate study four months after graduation.
You can specialise through academic coursework or pursue further research studies. Explore UOW's postgraduate coursework degrees and Higher Degrees by Research or postgraduate courses from other institutions for specific careers of interest.
Developing industry experience
Graduate employers increasingly value industry experience as an addition to formal qualifications to demonstrate your employability skills. This work related experience can be obtained through university internship subjects, co-curricular activities, student exchange or volunteering.
UOWx – A range of co-curricular activities available for UOW students
Course information
The relevant undergraduate degree options available at UOW for this discipline are listed below. You may also wish to explore available courses more broadly to see if you might be interested in pursuing a double major or a double degree.