Work Integrated Learning subjects

Develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to prepare for your professional future and to navigate the world of work. Whether you're exploring career options, preparing for your dream job, or looking to enhance your employability, our subjects offer invaluable insights and experiences to help you succeed.

What’s involved in our subjects? 

You're probably asking yourself what makes Careers and Employability subjects different from what's out there, our subjects are designed by career specialists and involve both CDL and WIL:

  • Career Development Learning (CDL) equips students with the skills to manage their career growth, encouraging self-awareness, reflection, and strategic career planning.
  • Work Integrated Learning (WIL) provides hands-on experience by allowing students to apply academic knowledge in professional settings, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Find the Careers and Employability subject that’s right for you

A group of students working on a project CRL 100: CAREER READY LEARNING
A student getting mentored by a career expert CRLP200: CAREER READY LEARNING & PRACTICE
A group of students discussing ideas over coffee CRLP202: Career Ready Learning & Experience

What Careers and Employability subjects are on offer?

CRL 100: Career Ready Learning

This subject introduces students to career management principles, fostering self-awareness and understanding of the labour market. Students will conduct occupational research, apply career planning processes, and explore connections between their studies and future careers, maximising their university experience and career aspirations.

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 12 credit points at undergraduate level


CRLP200: Career Ready Learning & Practice

In this subject, you'll collaborate in interdisciplinary teams as consultants for an industry partner, tackling complex challenges and crafting solutions. Gain practical insights in project management, professional communication, and interdisciplinary teamwork. Reflect on your experience to enhance self-awareness and explore career paths, developing strategies for personal career growth by the course's end.

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 60 credit points at undergraduate level, or 48 credit points for students admitted to the Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health or the Bachelor of Sport.


CRLP202: Career Ready Learning & Experience

This subject offers you the opportunity to complete a 100-hour approved internship during Summer or Winter sessions. After completing the internship, you will attend four workshops to convert your experience into a credit-bearing placement aligned with Fair Work and full-time study requirements. You will reflect on your internship, identify strengths, skills, and plan future career opportunities across disciplines.

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 24 credit points at undergraduate level


GWP 900: International Workplace Practice 

This subject empowers international students to achieve their professional goals in Australia by integrating career development principles and fostering lifelong growth. Through practical activities and connecting with industry guest speakers, students will learn about the Australian labour market and recruitment requirements

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 36 credit points at postgraduate level; enrolled in a business-related Master's degree


GWP 901: Professional Workplace Practice 

This subject prepares students for their graduate careers by integrating career development theories and building career management capabilities. Through practical activities and professional portfolio development, students will analyze workplace cultures, labour market trends, and employment opportunities, supporting informed career decisions and a smooth transition into the workforce.

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 48 credit points at postgraduate level


UOW 200: Innovation and Impact in Practice

Run in partnership with iAccelerate, this subject develops transdisciplinary problem-solving skills by tackling complex organisational challenges from partner organisations. Students integrate diverse perspectives and theories to innovate entrepreneurial solutions, presenting their analyses to the sponsoring organisation and expert panel for feedback.

Eligibility: A minimum prerequisite requirement of 48 credit points at any level.


For more entrepreneurship opportunities for students visit Entrepreneurship at UOW. 

UOW 300: Entrepreneurship for Impact

Run in partnership with iAccelerate, this subject guides students in launching entrepreneurial ventures with industry support. They evaluate diverse opportunities and conduct market research to develop viable startup ideas. Students then present proposals to expert panels for feedback on commercial feasibility and impact.

Eligibility: Completed UOW 200 or CRLP200, or a minimum prerequisite requirement of 96 credit points


For more entrepreneurship opportunities for students visit Entrepreneurship at UOW.