Exam FAQs

Got a question about your exam? Use the quick links on this page to find your answer. 

You will also receive personalised information about your final exams via SOLSmail, so make sure you check-in regularly for key information regarding your final exams.

Note: If you are sitting a UOW College exam or are enrolled at an offshore campus, please refer to their websites for specific information relating to your exams.

Your exam timetable

If you have a final exam that is scheduled centrally, you will receive a personalised timetable which will be published in SOLS under Timetable > Exam Timetable. 

For timetable release dates for the session, you are enrolled in, please refer to the exam key dates.

To view your exam timetable:

  1. Click the Access Exam Timetable button in the Exam Timetable menu item in SOLS
  2. You may then need to log in to your UOW account again
  3. Select the correct exam period

Unable to access your timetable?

When trying to view your timetable, if you see the error message; ‘Sorry your login was correct but you are not recorded in our database’, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure that you are looking at the exam event in the correct session of study.
  2. If you are not in the correct exam event click ‘view a different exam period’, ‘click here’, and select the correct exam period.
  3. If you are in the correct exam event and still see the error message please try refreshing the page.
  4. If you still cannot access your timetable, try opening an incognito window or another browser. You will be prompted to log in with your UOW credentials again.
  5. If you are still not able to view your timetable contact the Exams Team at exams@uow.edu.au.

Some subjects do not have centrally scheduled/administered final exams or they may have a different final assessmentOnly centrally scheduled exams will be displayed on your personalised exam timetable in SOLS. Your Subject Coordinator will communicate with you directly regarding details of final assessments for subjects that do not have centrally scheduled/administered final exams. 

Your exam timetable will be organised by subject. Under each subject, the following details will be listed:

  • The time the exam starts and the duration of the exam
  • The format of the exam and whether it will be invigilated (supervised)
  • Items you should have available to complete the task (e.g. UOW approved calculator/textbooks or other reference material)
  • Access Plan (formerly RA) details (if you have applied and been approved for them)

If you have any questions about your exam timetable, please contact the Exams Team at exams@uow.edu.au.

The format, timing and submission processes for final exams are specific for each subject and will be listed on your exam timetable. Exam formats include:

  • Online exam (via Moodle)
  • Online invigilated exam (via Moodle and invigilated via Proctorio)
  • Paper exam (on the campus you are enrolled at)
  • School exam (on-campus exam where arrangements are made by Subject Coordinators)

If you have any questions about your exam timetable, please contact the Exams Team at exams@uow.edu.au.


Your exam timetable will outline the materials permitted for your exam and any reference material required for the exam.

Listed reference materials may include:

  • Open book – reference materials permitted
  • Restricted – only materials specified are permitted (e.g. textbook, formula sheet, UOW Approved Calculator
  • Closed book – no reference materials are permitted

Online Exam (via Moodle)

Subjects with this assessment type will all be open book. Students will be permitted to access any reference materials during their exam, keeping in mind that academic integrity still applies, and students are expected to only submit work that they have written themselves. Open book does not mean you can discuss the exam with anyone during the exam. When answering questions, make sure you don’t copy exactly what is written in your textbook, lecture notes or any other resources. You need to show that you have studied the content and can express it in your own words.

Online invigilated exam (via Moodle)

Please refer to the online exam invigilation page.

Paper exam (on the campus you are enrolled at)

Any authorised materials permitted in a paper exam will only be permitted in paper form, materials will not be permitted via electronic devices. If calculators are permitted, only UOW approved calculators will be accepted, and you need to ensure that they are labelled. Please refer to the calculator page for further information.

Faculty or school exams (arrangements made by Subject Coordinators)

Each exam will vary in this instance. You can see which materials are permitted via your exam timetable.


You should ensure that you are available to sit exams during the entire exam period, as holidays and normal work and carers' commitments are not considered valid reasons for missing an exam.

However, Academic Consideration may be granted in serious or extenuating circumstances which are beyond your control and which significantly impair your ability to sit an exam or complete an assessment task.

If your Academic Consideration request is approved, you will be allocated a WD – Withheld Deferred grade for the subject, until such time you have successfully completed the deferred exam.

Please refer to the exam key dates for Supplementary and Deferred exam period details. 

If two of your exams are scheduled at exactly the same time on the same day, this is considered to be a direct clash. In most of these cases, the Exams Team will contact you with details of the arrangements which will be made to deal with the clash. If you are concerned that you have not heard from us, you should contact the Exams Teamwithin one week following the timetable being released with details of the clash.

When scheduling exams, UOW attempts to avoid any students having to sit exams for two subjects on one day. However, it is not possible to have every student with only one exam per day. Approximately 10% of students in any given exam period will have two exams scheduled on the same day. This is not considered to be an exam clash or overload, and under normal circumstances exams will not be rescheduled.

You are able to apply for an adjustment to your exam timetable if your timetable shows that you have:

  • MORE than two exams scheduled on any one day, or
  • MORE than three exams scheduled on two consecutive days

To apply for an adjustment to your exam timetable, you must submit a request for special exam arrangements form by the session's relevant deadline.

If approved, an adjustment will be made to your exam timetable in SOLS and you will be contacted by the Exams Team with further details.

If you are studying by distance, you are not required to organise a supervisor for your exams, as your exams are being delivered online and remotely. 

If you are undertaking your exam in another country, please take note of different time zones as explained in the below question.

All exam dates and times for Australian-based UOW subjects are listed in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). This includes due dates and submission times for alternate assessment tasks.

If you are currently residing overseas and are enrolled in Australian-based subjects, you should account for any time difference between AEDT and your local time zone. This online Time Zone Converter can assist in converting a date and time in AEST to your local time zone overseas.


Students with Access Plans will continue to be supported during their exams and any provisions across the various types of exams that can be reasonably accommodated will be provided.

If you want to discuss your specific circumstances, please contact the Student Accessibility and Inclusion team.

If you have a condition that may impact your ability to sit an exam, please contact the Student Accessibility and Inclusion team to discuss the possibility of obtaining an Access Plan. Students with Access Plans can expect to be reasonably accommodated wherever possible across the various types of UOW exams.

If you are required to take a deferred or supplementary exam, you will not be eligible to graduate until your final results are released. Once results are released, you can reapply to graduate in the next available conferral round and will be conferred at the earliest opportunity. You can find exam key dates on our website.

Invigilation is the term used to describe the process of exam supervision.

There are some UOW subjects that require exam invigilation due to accreditation requirements. Invigilation allows us to ensure high academic integrity and to monitor for possible academic misconduct.

There are two assessment types in Spring & Trimester 3 that will be invigilated. These are online invigilated exams via Proctorio and on campus exams with physical exam invigilators.

Both exam types will be noted on your personalised exam timetable and you will receive information via SOLSmail with any key information you need to know regarding your assessment type. Please ensure that you are checking your SOLSmail regularly.

Preparing for your exams

Yes. Please check the key dates page for study recess and exam dates.

On-campus exams

  • Read your exam timetable carefully and check it before each exam for any changes
  • Arrive at your venue 15 minutes early
  • Ensure you have a valid form of ID (digital forms will not be accepted)
  • The only food items permitted are water in a clear bottle without a label and lollies with no wrappers in a clear zip lock bag.
  • Mobile phones (switched off), wallets, keys and watches will all need to be placed in a clear zip lock bag and placed under your exam desk for the duration of the exam.
  • Any stationary needs to be in a clear zip lock bag with any covers on items such as eraser covers removed.
  • If your exam requires a calculator, you must ensure it is on the approved calculator list and has the approved calculator label. You must also leave calculator cases at home.
  • Bags and large valuable items will not be permitted in exam venues, this includes laptops.
  • Other items not permitted in venues are umbrellas, glass, cigarette lighter and matches.



Online Exams

  • Read your exam timetable carefully and check it before each exam for any changes
  • Test your technology ahead of time
  • Have your phone or hardware token with you in case you need to multi-factor authenticate (MFA) with SMS or the MS Authenticator App. Read about MFA and exams preparations to minimise disruption
  • Complete the 'test your technology' practise quiz if you have an online invigilated exam
  • Ensure you have stable internet connection
  • Charge your device if applicable
  • Source a quiet, private workspace away from others
  • Ensure you have a valid form of ID
  • Allow plenty of time to login to Moodle and if applicable Proctorio and authenticate if required
  • Have Exam Support contact details on hand
  • Familiarise yourself with the UOW Troubleshooting for Proctorio Exams Guide (PDF) for self-help
  • Complete the Request for Support in Exams Form if technical or environmental factors prevent you from sitting your exam at your residence.

On-campus exams

The items permitted on your desk if you will be sitting a paper-based exam on campus will be:

  • Any exam materials provided by the exam invigilator.
  • Stationary required for your exams such as pens, pencils, highlighters, easers etc. You will need to ensure if any of your stationary has a label, that it is removed before you enter the exam venue.
  • If your exam lists permitted authorised materials, ONLY the items listed on your exam timetable will be permitted for use in your exam. If you have any materials in your possession that are not listed on your exam timetable as an authorised materials, you may be subject to academic misconduct penalties.
  • Food and drink. The only food permitted in exam venues is water in a clear plastic bottle without a label and lollies without wrappers that are contained in a clear zip lock bag. NO chocolate, nuts, gum or other food items will be permitted. Please Note: If you have an Access Plan (formerly know as an RA) food and drink requirements will be accommodated as outlined in the plan.

*Please note that bags are not permitted in exam venues. Small personal items such as mobile phones, keys and wallets are permitted and MUST be placed in a clear zip lock bag under your desk. Items bigger than A4 size that cannot fit in a zip lock bag are strictly not permitted in exam venues. Please DO NOT bring laptops or other large valuable items. They will not be permitted with you in the exam venue.


Online Invigilated Exams

Students undertaking online invigilated exams must only access any permitted items for their exams on the device they will be using for their exam. If notes are permitted, we recommend that you save the notes that are permitted to your desktop and open them before you start your exam to save you searching for them once the exam commences.

You should bring your mobile phone or hardware token and be aware of what to do should you have to multi-factor authenticate prior to the exam or during the exam.

If there is an exception and you are permitted to access notes in hard copy format, you will be notified via exam timetable. This also includes the use of paper and pens for note taking, if these items are not specifically listed for your exam, they will not be permitted.

If you are flagged for accessing materials not in accordance with the instructions provided on your exam timetable, you may be subject to academic misconduct penalties.

Students who don’t have access to Wi-Fi, a place to study, a computer, or who don’t have a webcam/microphone and have an online invigilated exam may be able to request equipment or seek other IT support.

If you are unable to sit your exams at home (e.g., you do not have an adequate workspace), please complete the request for support in exams form by the session’s relevant deadline.

On exam day

You can still commence your exam late, however you will not be permitted to commence your exam 30 minutes after the scheduled exam time and you will not be given extra time to compensate for starting late.

If you are completing an online invigilated exam additional time may be granted for late entry into the exam, only if there is evidence of technical issues and we can verify that you were actively trying to gain access to your exam at the scheduled start time.

A female exam invigilator will be present at all exam venues and will discreetly conduct ID checks in a private space on campus close to the exam venue.

If your exams are online, you can conduct your ID check in your own private space by revealing full face just for the ID checking process. You have the option to request a female invigilator to confirm your identity and view full face images for ID checking purposes. If you would like to request this, please contact exams@uow.edu.au 

If a UOW approved calculator is required for your exam, this will be indicated on your personalised exam timetable in SOLS. You can see if your calculator is a UOW approved calculator by checking the list of approved models

Please note for on campus exams you will be required to have your calculator labelled. For a list of labelling site please refer here.

If you experience any technical difficulties contact the Exam Support Centre for advice as soon as practicable via the details below:

  • IT Support Chat: IT Support Chat (use the chat icon on the right of the screen once logged in. Do not use the Proctorio support live chat)
  • Phone: +61 2 4221 3927 

If you call the Exam Support Centre for assistance, or are waiting for a response, please be reassured that our support staff will respond to your needs. If time has been lost once your issue is resolved, you will be granted your full exam duration.

There is no need to inform your Subject Coordinator if you are experiencing any technical difficulties, the Exam Support Centre provides each Subject Coordinator with this information. 

If the technical trouble cannot be resolved, you should submit an online exam issues form.

If you have an urgent requirement to step away from your desk during an exam, please follow the instructions below:

In an online invigilated exam

We strongly recommend that students go to the bathroom and take care of anything which may require their attention before the exam start time. If you do need to use the bathroom or leave your desk for another urgent reason during the exam, the period you are away from your desk will be flagged as a potential irregularity for review. Before you leave your room and move away from your device, you can speak to your device camera "having a bathroom break". This will assist invigilators with the review.

In an exam that is not invigilated

You can step away from your desk for a quick break, but you must return and complete the task within the set time requirements and will not be allocated any extra time.

In a supervised on-campus exam

You will need to raise your hand and you will be escorted to the bathroom by an exam invigilator of the same gender.

Online (Moodle and Proctorio) exams

If you cannot sit or complete your exam due to illness or another extenuating circumstance, ensure that you apply for Academic Consideration before your online exam starts or prior to completing it. Remember, once you complete your online exam, you can no longer apply for Academic Consideration. In this instance, you must contact your Subject Coordinator after the exam to discuss your options.

If your Academic Consideration application is approved by your Subject Coordinator, you may be able to undertake a deferred exam in the scheduled deferred exam period. Please make sure you are available during the Supplementary and Deferred exam period relevant to your session.

On-campus exams

If you cannot sit your exam due to illness or another extenuating circumstance, ensure that you apply for Academic Considerationbefore your exam. If you fall ill during an exam you MUST advise the exam supervisor before leaving the exam venue. In this case, you can apply for Academic Considerationafter your on-campus exam.

If your Academic Consideration application is approved by your Subject Coordinator, you may be able to undertake a deferred exam in the scheduled deferred exam period. Please make sure you are available during the Supplementary and Deferred exam period relevant to your session.


If you cannot sit or complete your exam due to illness or another extenuating circumstance, ensure that you apply for Academic Consideration before your online exam starts or prior to completing it. Remember, once you complete your online exam, you can no longer apply for Academic Consideration. In this instance, you must contact your Subject Coordinator after the exam to discuss your options.

If your Academic Consideration application is approved by your Subject Coordinator, you may be able to undertake a deferred exam in the scheduled deferred exam period. Please make sure you are available during the Supplementary and Deferred exam period relevant to your session.

If your academic consideration application is successful, you will be allocated a WD – Withheld Deferred grade for the subject, until such time you have successfully completed the deferred assessment.


If you cannot sit your exam due to illness or another extenuating circumstance, ensure that you apply for . If you fall ill during an exam you MUST advise the exam supervisor before leaving the exam venue. In this case, you can apply for after your on-campus exam.

If your Academic Consideration application is approved by your Subject Coordinator, you may be able to undertake a deferred exam in the . Please make sure you are available during the Supplementary and Deferred exam period relevant to your session.

If your academic consideration application is successful, you will be allocated a WD – Withheld Deferred grade for the subject, until such time you have successfully completed the deferred assessment.

After your exams

Because you uploaded your workings out you did on paper on an electronic document, UOW has a copy and will not require yours. Students are not allowed to share their workings out with anyone else and should destroy their copies. 

Yes. Academic misconduct rules apply to all exams.

All submitted work will continue to be assessed for academic integrity as per normal processes, and students found to be in breach of academic integrity may be subject to academic misconduct penalties.

For more information on the types of academic misconduct at UOW, and associated penalties, please visit the Academic Integrity website.

You can find the legend of grades, publication dates of results and information about how to request the review of a mark or grade on our exams and results webpage.

Exam support

General enquiries

Email: exams@uow.edu.au

View our exam FAQs for self-help

Have an issue during an exam?

If you encounter any problems during your exam you can call the Exam Support Centre on +61 2 4221 3927 or use the IT Support Chat (use the chat icon on the right of the screen once logged in).

Want to report an issue following an exam? 

You can use the Online Exam Issue form to report issues to your subject coordinator.