Domestic student enrolment

Once you've received an offer to study at UOW, there's a few things you need to do to officially become a UOW student.

Enrol at UOW

Use this video and the step by step guide below to enrol in your preferred course at UOW. We can't wait to welcome you!


Hi everyone, congratulations on receiving  your offer to UOW. My name's Jared,  
I'm from the UOW Future Students  team, and today we'll be taking  
you through the enrolment process  so you can get started at UOW.
In this video I will cover everything from  accessing the enrolment portal, to creating  
your student account, filling out a government  survey, selecting a photo for your student ID,  
selecting your course on offer, providing  your Unique Student Identifier (USI),  
how to defer your fees to HECS, and also how to  select your courses for your upcoming session.
First, we will start with accessing the enrolment  portal. So, from our website, you can click on  
“Students” and then scroll right on down to “Enrol  in a new course”. From here, it'll take you to our  
“Enrol in a new course” page. You can scroll  down, click on “Domestic student enrolment”  
and it'll take you to a new page. Here, you  can scroll down again, and you'll see some  
information about how to enrol. So, there's a  few steps you'll need to do before you get into  
the enrolment portal itself, like accepting your  offer, and getting organised for enrolment. You  
can click on the tabs here and read information  about that. Once you're there, you can enrol  
online and access the enrolment portal. Here,  it'll take you to a new page where you'll input  
your student number, which can be found on your  offer letter, and your date of birth to log in.
The first step of our enrolment portal is the  user account section. Here you'll be asked to  
activate your UOW username, and input a password.  This is very important information to remember,  
as it'll be used to access key UOW systems,  including your SOLS account. So your username  
will already be activated and displayed here,  and you'll input your alternate email address  
to recover any information associated with  your account. It's important to put in  
an email that you can access to ensure  that you can recover your information.
Our next section is our personal details  section. Here you'll probably have some  
pre-filled information, such as your name, date  of birth, and student type. Here, we're just  
basically asking you to confirm the information is  correct, and update any emergency contact details  
and address contact details. You'll need to put  in your address for both where you'll be living  
during session, and also your permanent home  address, and that could very well be the same.
Now you'll be asked to complete a small survey.  The Australian government requires all students  
enrolling into tertiary institutions to  complete a survey. If you don't know the  
answer to one of the questions in the survey,  just leave it blank and move on to the next one.
After you've completed the survey, you'll  be uploading your photo for your student  
card. So we ask you to upload a  photo that's similar to, like,  
a passport style photo. But essentially it just  needs to be a clear, colour image of yourself,  
taken from the shoulders up, with a relatively  neutral expression, with nothing covering your  
face. Religious headdresses and clear glasses  are accepted, so don't worry about that. If  
you don't have a photo to upload, you can  just skip this step, and we can take a photo  
down at Student Central for you, and print off  your student card there once you're on campus.
Once you've uploaded your photo, now it's time to  select the course that you'd like to study. So,  
our select offer section will display all the  valid offers that you have received at UOW,  
and all you need to do is click to complete the  
enrolment process for the course  that you'd like to enrol into.
Once you've selected the course that you'd  like to enrol into, you can input your unique  
student identifier (USI). You might already  have a USI if you've previously completed  
study elsewhere. If not, you can jump onto the  government's USI page and create one in about  
5 minutes. Once you've got it, simply input  it into the box and add and update the USI.
Now it's time to arrange your billing type for the  fees associated with University study. Generally,  
there are two fees charged to students: tuition  fees for the courses that they've enrolled into,  
and the Student Services and Amenities Fee  (SSAF), which ensures that the services that  
we provide to students remain up and running, and  up-to-date. You'll need to select a billing type  
for both your tuition fees and your Student  Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). Eligible  
domestic students will be able to defer their  fees to a government loan via the HELP Loan Form,  
or the SA Help Form. To fill out  these forms, simply click “Apply”,  
and follow the prompts. Then, it'll ask you to  elect a billing type, and you can select which  
one that you'd like. Once you're finished, the  HELP Loan Form and SA Help Form will turn green,  
with a big tick, and display your  billing type for the upcoming session.
After you've filled out your fee assistance  section, you'll be presented with our  
enrolment guide. So here you'll see things like  major maintenance, the course of your study,  
and enrolment and variations. So, depending  on the course that you would like to study,  
you might have major maintenance available  to you, you might not. If that's the case,  
you can select your major, and  your other major, if you'd like to.
Now, you can enrol into your first  session subjects for the course  
that you've selected. Depending on  the course that you're studying,  
some default subjects may already be listed  here for you to select from. If you're unsure  
of the subjects that you need to enrol into  for your first session, you can head back to  
the “Domestic student enrolment” page, and  look for our “First year enrolment guides”,  
found under the “Get organised for enrolment”  section. These will provide detailed advice  
on which subjects you'll need to enrol into  for the upcoming session. If you're one of  
our postgraduate business students studying at  the Sydney Business School, you can refer to  
the “Study Sequences” for help with planning  your course. And you can use the enrolment  
variation box to add subjects for the courses  that you'll be studying in your first session.
Once you've enrolled to your subjects, you can  head to the summary tab, which will display all  
the information that you've inputted into the  enrolment portal so far. Make sure to check  
this information is correct; some of it can be  changed at a later date, but that's okay. You  
can email a summary to yourself, which will close  the enrolment portal and complete the process.
Now that you've successfully enrolled, you can  head back to the “Domestic student enrolment”  
page and scroll down to the “Once you've  enrolled” section. Here, you'll find important  
information about the next steps in order to  get prepared for your first session, such as  
setting up your student account with multifactor  authentication, and accessing our key systems,  
getting information about how to obtain your  student card, attending your orientation,  
and selecting your class and tutorial  times for the subjects that you've just  
enrolled into. There's also a section on  preparing for your first weeks of uni,  
which will give you important tips to  get you started on the best foot forward.
On screen, you'll see some key dates for your  upcoming session, including our orientation dates,  
the commencement of your classes, the last  date that you can enrol into courses, and our  
census date, which is the last date that you can  withdraw without academic or financial penalty.
If you have any questions about  enrolling, or anything, basically,  
about starting your first semester at the  University, you can contact our friendly  
Future Students team via email or telephone, and  they'll be able to assist with your enquiries.
Lastly, we want to wish you the best  for your student journey at UOW,  
and we look forward to seeing you on campus soon.

How to enrol

Before starting your studies, you'll need to enrol online in your course and first-year subjects. Follow the steps below to get started.

To secure your place at UOW, your first step is to accept your offer.

Plan your subjects 

Refer to the First Year Enrolment Guides for help with planning your first-year subjects.

If you are starting a postgraduate course with the Sydney Business School, UOW, refer to our online study sequences for help with planning your course.

Credit for prior learning

If you have completed previous studies or have relevant work experience, you may be eligible to apply for credit for prior learning. To allow time for you to make decisions about what subjects you will need to enrol into for upcoming sessions, you should submit your application as soon as possible.

If you have already been granted credit, this may affect which subjects you should enrol in. In this case, please reach out to the AskUOW team for advice. 

Organise your USI and TFN 

When enrolling, you will need to provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you are a domestic student who plans to defer payment partially or fully via a HECS-HELP loan, you will also need to provide your Tax File Number (TFN). 

Please note that it can take 28 days to be issued with a TFN from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), so if you haven't already, you should apply for a TFN immediately

You must use the same verifiable identification document/s to apply for both your TFN and USI.

Follow the steps below to enrol in your course online. If you have questions along the way, access our enrolment help page for more information.

Access the enrolment portal 

You will need your UOW student number (included with your offer) to access the online enrolment portal. If you have conditions listed on your offer, these will need to be cleared before you can login. If you have any questions about clearing conditions, please contact us.

Note: The first day you can enrol in your course will depend on your commencing session.

Access the enrolment portal

In the enrolment portal you will complete the following steps:

Create user account 

Here you will activate your UOW username and password to log in to university systems like SOLS and AskUOW. When activating your user account, make sure you provide a mobile number or email address to recover your user details should you forget them. 

Confirm personal details 

Update and confirm your personal details, add an emergency contact, and let us know where you will be living in and out of session. 

Complete survey 

The Australian Government requires all students to complete a survey as part of the enrolment process. If you do not know the answer to a question, leave it blank and move to the next question. 

Upload your photo

Upload a photo of yourself for your student card. Please ensure it meets our requirements.

Select your offer 

All valid offers made to you will be listed. Select the course you'll be studying. 

Note: The date from when you can select your course and begin your enrolment will depend on your commencing session. See enrolment dates below or find a full list on the key dates page.

Commencing session Opening date
Summer 2024/2025 2 September, 2024
Autumn 2025 2 December, 2024
Trimester 1 2025 2 December, 2024
Trimester 2 2025 2 December, 2024
Spring 2025 2 December, 2024

Enter your Unique Student Identifier (USI) 

You’ll be prompted to enter your USI in this section. If you haven’t already, visit our USI page for information on applying for a USI, or checking if you’ve already got one. It takes 5 minutes to apply for a USI. 

Select your billing preference 

Eligible domestic students will have the option to pay tuition fees upfront or defer their fees by accessing a HELP Loan. If you're deferring your fees, you'll need to provide BOTH your tax file number (TFN) and USI when you enrol.  

You must choose a billing type for both your tuition fees and for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). 

It is mandatory that your personal details at UOW match your details recorded at the ATO and USI government agencies for you to access a HELP loan. Learn more about payment options for domestic students

Enrol in your subjects and declare your major

Here you will enrol in your first-year subjects. Default subjects might already be listed for some courses.

Refer to the First Year Enrolment Guides for help with choosing your subjects and planning for your course. If you are starting a postgraduate course with the Sydney Business School, UOW, refer to our online study sequences for help with planning your course. 

Most degrees have major options. If you're unsure of your major at this point, you can add or change it later in SOLS. A second major is optional.

If you need further academic advice and support please contact AskUOW.

Finalise your enrolment 

Once you've enrolled in your subjects, click on the ‘Summary’ tab to complete your online enrolment. Here you can choose to have a confirmation sent to your nominated email address. 

Now that you’re enrolled you will be able to log in to Student Online Services (SOLS) within 24 hours. SOLS is the student system that you will use to manage your course and access course materials. Visit the SOLS help page for assistance with logging in, including setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Select your classes/ enrol in tutorials

Once you have enrolled in your course and subjects, the next step will be to select your classes, also known as tutorial enrolment. Tutorial enrolment opens at different times for each subject, so it is important you regularly check the 'timetable' tab in SOLS in the lead up to the start of session. Find out more about when and how to enrol in tutorials.

Having trouble with one of the steps above?

Access enrolment help

Once you've enrolled

As part of UOW's cyber security protection strategy, UOW uses MFA for several UOW systems and applications. Rather than just asking for a username and password, MFA requires additional verification factors.

When you first login you will need to set up MFA and verify your login. 

More about how to set up MFA

New students can obtain a student ID card by visiting the AskUOW Team (Ground Floor, Building 17, Wollongong campus), or your local campus office for regional and metro campuses. Make sure you bring along a photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport), and staff can take your photo and print your card on the spot.

If you are enrolled as a fully UOW Online student, you can order a card by filling out this form

More about student ID cards

There are a number of student systems (like SOLS) and communication channels that you'll access both on campus and at home during your time at UOW. It's important that you know what they are, what they're for, and how to access them.

More about systems and communications channels

Your Orientation is normally held the week before your first session. This is an important event where you'll receive important information about your course, learn about the services and support available to you, and immerse yourself in the student culture that makes UOW special.

Your Orientation date and time will depend on your commencing session and campus.


As you get closer to the start of session, you may need to enrol in classes for each of your subjects. This is also referred to as tutorial enrolment, and these classes are often called tutorials, practicals or seminars. 

More about tutorial enrolment

There's lots of useful information to help you get started on the right foot including top uni tips, checklists, video tutorials and lots more.

More about how uni works

Deferring your offer

If you do not wish to commence your course at the allocated start session, you can maintain your offer by deferring your start date. You can defer your offer to study at UOW for up to one year. You will have to complete a UOW Deferral request after you've received your offer from UOW. Once you submit your deferral request, we'll send you a new offer and information on how to enrol.

Related links

Moving to Wollongong
UOW Accommodation

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