The Handbook pages for Subjects have the following features:
- The Subject Code and Name is listed at the top of the page.
- You can click on the bookmark to save the page to My lists, which will appear on your handbook homepage each time you visit.
- Subjects change from year to year. While you follow the Course Handbook page from the year you commenced your course, you need to follow the requirements of the subject from the year and session that you complete the subject.
- Choose the right year for you by changing the version year. Choose your campus and delivery mode by using the Select availability drop down at the top right of the page.
- The blue box to the right of the page has the basic details about the subject.
- The Subject Description describes what you will study in the subject.
- The Enrolment Rules will display any specific requirements you need to meet before enrolling in the subject. It will also show if there is another subject that is considered to be the same (you should not enrol in a subject if you have already successfully completed the equivalent).
- The list to the left of the page allows you to navigate quickly to specific sections of the page.
- The Delivery section will display the information for the Campus and mode of study you selected using the Select availability drop down at the top right of the page. It will say if the subject is available in the year you have chosen (when you selected the Version), which session/s it is offered and the session dates.
- Teaching staff lists the names and contact details of the Subject coordinators, lecturers and tutors.
- Engagement hours will list information about classes for the subject. The full details of classes, participation and attendance are not listed in the Handbook but will be in your Subject Outline.
- Learning outcomes are what you are expected to know, understand and do at the completion of the subject.
- Assessment details provides an overview of the assessment tasks for the subject. Details will be in your Subject Outline.
- Textbook information may list the specific textbook for the subject or direct you to the UniShop website to look for it there.
- If you have questions about the subject Handbook page, use the email listed under Contact Details to ask.
- If you commenced your course prior to 2021 and want to navigate to your course handbook use the Pre-2021 Handbooks.