The advanced search

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search can help you find what you are looking for more quickly.

You can enhance your search terms (the text you put in the search box) by clicking on the different options (pictured below) and filtering for Courses, Areas of Study (minors, majors and specialisations), and Subjects. Within each of these options there are sub-filters with a variety of criteria that are explained below.


The sub-filters under Courses in the Advanced Search option allow you to look for different types of courses, where, when and how they are delivered, and certain areas that interest you (e.g. Social Science, Engineering or Business).  If you click on the sub-filters a drop-down list will appear for you to choose your search criteria. 

For example, the picture to the right shows the criteria for searching for courses by their delivery method, you can choose from Distance (online), Flexible or On-Campus delivery.

Areas of study

Minors, Majors and Specialisations are categorized as Areas of Study. The sub-filters allow you to look for areas of study based on whether they are offered in undergraduate or postgraduate courses, and where, when and how they are delivered. 

You can also use the Schedules sub-filter to look for Minors that are included in the General Schedule of Minors.


The sub-filters allow you to look for subjects based on whether they are offered in undergraduate or postgraduate courses, and where, when and how they are delivered.

You can also use the Faculty sub-filter to look for subjects offered by your Faculty and the Schedules filter to look for particular lists of subjects, like the General Schedule of Electives.  These filter options will be useful if your course requires you to choose from specific electives.