
About the SAC

The Student Advisory Council (SAC) brings together UOW's student leaders as a formal advisory body to the Vice-Chancellor, and proactively engage with staff and students to positively impact decision making and the student experience.

The Student Advisory Council will:

  1. Advise, consult and make recommendations to the University on matters affecting the academic and social wellbeing of students, including:
    • The effectiveness and comprehensiveness of student service delivery:
    • Teaching and learning matters of concern to students;
    • Policies and procedures affecting students;
    • Campus life and activities; and
    • The potential uses of SSAF funds that align with the student lifecycle and priority support categories as permitted under the legislation.

  2. Provide an occasion for student representatives to be proactive and engage with one another to formulate common and group-specific student issues for presentation to the University.

  3. Provide an occasion for University representatives to respond to issues raised by student representatives or issues requiring student consultation.

Structure and membership

Student Advisory Council Position Duration of term Description Election details
University Council - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Representatives 2 years University Council is the governing authority of the University. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2024.
Academic Senate (Onshore International) 2 years Academic Senate is a peak body for advising University Council. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2025.
Academic Senate (Postgraduate) 2 years Academic Senate is a peak body for advising University Council. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2024.

Academic Senate (Undergraduate)

2 years Academic Senate is a peak body for advising University Council. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2024.
Academic Senate (Undergraduate) 2 years Academic Senate is a peak body for advising University Council. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2025.
WUPA President or standing nominee 1 year The student body elects WUPA representatives. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2024.
WUSA President or standing nominee 1 year The student body elects WUSA representatives. Student positions currently filled until 30 November 2024.
Undergraduate Representatives from each of the four faculties 2 years Faculty representatives participate in faculty governance and represent and promote the interests of their respective faculty students whilst a member of the SAC. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2025.
Postgraduate Representatives from each of the four faculties 2 years Faculty representatives participate in faculty governance and represent and promote the interests of their respective faculty students whilst a member of the SAC. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2025.
International Representative from each of the four faculties 2 years Faculty representatives participate in faculty governance and represent and promote the interests of their respective faculty students whilst a member of the SAC. Student positions currently filled until 31 December 2025.

Other non-faculty student representation

Position Duration of term Description Election details
Woolyungah Student Representative 2 years The student representative from the Woolyungah Indigenous Centre (WIC) seeks feedback from Indigenous students and represents issues of concern whilst a member of the SAC. Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.
UOW Pulse - Student Director 2 years The UOW Pulse student representative will report on matters and initiatives relating to UOW Pulse and the student experience whilst a member of the SAC.

Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.

UOW Clubs & Societies 2 years

Student Representatives must be a current registered member of a UOW Pulse club or Society to represent the issues and concerns of students registered with a club or society whilst a member of the SAC.

Expressions of Interest now closed.

Regional and Metropolitan Campus Representatives 2 years Campus representatives promote the interests of campus students to the University and seek to improve the experience and facilities at the campus whilst a member of the SAC.

Position vacant at Shoalhaven, Southern Sydney and Southern Highlands.

University Residences 1 year The Student Residence representative is elected from a group of student residence leaders and represents issues of concern for student living in UOW residences whilst a member of the SAC. Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.
Persons with Disabilities 2 years The student representative will be registered with Student Accessibility and Inclusion (SAI - formerly Disability Services) and have either a disability or health condition or be a carer for a person with a disability or medical condition. The representative will seek and present issues whilst a member of the SAC.

Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.

Women's Representative 2 years The student representative must be, or identify as a female and represents the issues of concern and concerns of women on campus whilst a member of the SAC.

Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.

Mature Age Representative 2 years The student representative must not have been a current Year 12 school leaver when applying for admission to UOW. The Mature Age representative represents the issues and concerns of mature age students on campus whilst a member of the SAC.

Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.

LGBTIQ+ Representative 2 years The student representative must identify as a member of the LGBTIQ+ community.  The representative seeks feedback from LGBTIQ+ community on campus and represents the issues and concerns whilst a member of the SAC.

Position currently filled until 31 December 2025.

Working Parties and Subcommittees 

The SAC has three Working Parties and Subcommittees that are composed of SAC representatives, students and staff. The Groups are responsible for different dimensions of the Student Advisory Council and include: 

  • The Students as Partners Subcommittee
    Responsible for providing advice and consultation on the development of the Student as Partners framework and toolkit at the University of Wollongong. 

  • The SSAF Subcommittee
    Responsible for prioritisation of the allocation of the student services and amenities fee.
  • The Activation Working Group
    Responsible for delivering social events and activities for students and student representatives to raise the visibility of the SAC.  


The Student Advisory Council holds up to 8 formal meetings per year. In these meetings, various areas of the University consult with SAC representatives on initiatives and programs they are implementing. This is also an occasion for student feedback to be discussed and escalated to the relevant University stakeholder. In attendance at each of these meetings are the elected and appointed SAC representatives, the Director, Division of Student Life, and University staff seeking consultation on items.

The SAC also meets 4 times a year with the University Senior Executive known as “Quarterly Yarns”. This is an occasion for student feedback and ideas to be escalated directly to the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, and senior professional and academic staff.

The SAC also host a range of events and activities and have a presence at existing campus life activities, the schedule of these events is available below.

If you have an item of feedback you would wish to raise at these meetings, please get in touch with the SAC and discuss with the relevant student representative.

SAC Meetings 2024

  • Meeting 3: 14th May 9:30-11:30
    • Agenda deadline: 4th May
  • Meeting 4: 18th July 1:30-3:30
    • Agenda deadline: 8th July
  • Meeting 5: 20th August 9:30-11:30
    • Agenda deadline: 9th August
  • Meeting 6: 19th September 1:30-3:30
    • Agenda deadline: 9th September
  • Meeting 7: 22nd October 9:30-11:30
    • Agenda deadline: 11th October

Quarterly Yarns

  • Thursday 30th May: 4:00-5:00pm
  • Thursday 25th July: 4:00-5:00pm
  • Thursday 26th September: 4:00-5:00pm








Achievements and priorities

The SAC has been actively engaged in a number of projects and initiatives. These projects span the breadth of the student lifecycle and diverse student community.

  • Student Representation on Academic Matters Handbook
    The University Council Undergraduate representative, developed a Student Representation on Academic Matters Handbook. This Provides guidance for Committees on how they can best engage with student representatives and ensure their voice is heard. 

  • Global Climate Change Video Competition
    Members of the Student Advisory Council reinforced the Council’s commitment to climate action and sustainability after the creation of the 2021 Youth Climate Change Statement with a video competition encouraging sustainable practice from students.  

  • Annual Report to University Council
    The SAC Executive prepared a written report to update University Council of the activities and achievements of the SAC including consultation activities and projects. Other items reported on were SAC Leadership, Planning and Training, Leadership Event, creation of SAC Values and Goals, Induction and Training. 
  • Women’s Space Upgrades
    The Women’s Representative Worked with the WUSA and WUPA Women’s Representatives to make the Women’s Space more visible and accessible. The Women’s Space was revitalized, with new furniture, carpet and paint.  

  • Accessibility Space
    The Persons with Disabilities representative worked with the University leadership to introduce an accessible and quiet space in Building 19.  

  • National Students as Partner Roundtable
    SAC representatives delivered a panel Showcasing the Youth Climate Change Statement as an example of Students as Partners achieving transformative chance.  A case study was developed by Professor Theo Farrell, Professor Tim McCarthy, SAC Representative, Ben Hamill and Management Cadet Grace Mahon.   

  • National Leadership Forum
    SAC Representatives Helena Ibro and Keval Patel attended the National Leadership Forum in Canberra between the 15-18 September. The Forum was an opportunity for young leaders from across Australia and the Pacific coming together to expand their leadership, share ideas and meet with key federal policy and decision makers.    

Student consultation 

The following are examples of the consultation and working party membership that occurred in 2022:  

  • StudentLife@UOW Program  
  • UOW Health and Medical Services  
  • Proctorio online invigilation   
  • National Student Safety Survey  
  • Reconciliation Action Plan  
  • Timetabling System  
  • Subject Management Improvements 
  • Student Process Improvements   
  • Revised UOW Campus Master Plan  
  • Student and Accommodation Services Division Proposed Realignment
  • UOW Mental Health Strategy   
  • VC Delegates Strategy Event  
  • Academic Consideration Policy and Process Review  
  • Review of Teaching and Assessment Policies   
  • Accommodation Satisfaction Survey  
  • Roadmap 2023-2025 Strategy   
  • CampusFest 2023  
  • Current Student Communications: Blueprint for a Whole of Institution Approach 
  • Students as Partners
    The Student Advisory Council played a key role in creating the Students as Partners framework, which enables greater engagement between University, and its students. The Students as Partners signing took place on 2nd December 2021. 

  • SAC Climate Change Statement Project
    Members of the Student Advisory Council worked in collaboration with the University to establish a Youth Climate Change Statement to be presented as a part of 16th Conference of Youth on Climate Change (COY16) in Glasgow, November 2021. The statement fulfilled the requirements for ‘Climate Here’ recognition.  The project team also contributed to the Australian Statement having been the only institution to make submission to COY16. 
  • Annual Report to University Council
    The SAC Executive prepared a written report to update University Council of the activities and achievements of the SAC including consultation activities and projects. Other items reported on were SAC Leadership, Planning and Training, Leadership Event, creation of SAC Values and Goals, Induction and Training. 

  • Interim (Student) Report on Academic Appeals and Review of Grades Process and Procedure
    The report contains 16 interim recommendations to the University (some of which have been implemented).  The report was also submitted to the November Academic Senate meeting. A final report has been produced after further consultation with stakeholders. 

  • UOW Reference Guide
    The ASSH representative identified issues with the current UOW Referencing Guide as being outdated. Work continues on updating the existing guides with Learning Development and the Library. 

  • Student Engagement Policy
    The BAL postgraduate representative established an effective student engagement policy and framework to support new students for 2022. Progress of this project will be ongoing in the upcoming SAC 2022/2023 term. 

  • LGBTIQ+ Community
    The LGBTIQ+ representative is working on an initiative to increase awareness of ACON and Ally Network through resource to assist students in accessing these support networks. In addition, creating more ‘Welcome Here’ spaces across the Wollongong Campus; and register safe spaces and include signage for the LGBTIQ+ community particularly in the STEM area. 
  • Wellbeing and Inclusion Space
    The Persons with Disabilities representative is currently working on an initiative to create a Wellbeing and Inclusions space.  Work on this project continues into 2022. 

Student consultation 

The following are examples of the consultation and working party membership that occurred in 2021: 

  • Student Knowledge Management Project 
  • New approach to Student-Teacher Evaluation
  • Higher degree research at UOW 
  • UOW COVID-19 Return to Campus Roadmap 
  • Graduation Ceremonies 
  • Student Feedback on Subjects Report 
  • UOW Student Mental Health Advisory Group 
  • Online Examination Proctoring System Project 
  • Safe and Respectful Communities 
  • Outdoor Informal Learning Spaces 
  • UOW Future Health and Medical Services 
  • Return to Campus Working Party Consultation 
  • VC Delegates Strategy Event 
  • Sustainable Goals Development Strategy Working Party 
  • SAC Student Services and Amenities Fee Working Party 
  • Consulted on communication strategies on various student related activities throughout the year 
  • Online Teaching and Learning experience at UOW 
  • Initiated a Student-Staff Partnership on Student Representation in Academic Matters 
  • Annual Presentation to the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Group (VCAG) 2019/2020
    The SAC Executive presented objectives of the SAC at VCAG and provided an update on the activities of the SAC for 2020. 

  • UOW Transition to Online
    In response to the global pandemic, the SAC Executive met regularly with Executive of the University to provide feedback and comment regarding the transition from on campus to online teaching and learning. 
  • Development of a SAC Facebook page
    Designed to increase the visibility and awareness of the SAC across the student cohort.

  • Review and feedback of Lecture Recording Guidelines and the Teaching & Assessment Subject Delivery policy
    The SAC provided feedback to the Academic Quality Standards Unit following the implementation of Echo360 project. 

  • Students as Partners Agreement
    Representatives of the SAC worked with the Student and Accommodation Services Division on the formation the agreement for approval in 2021. The agreement intends to strengthen the student voice in governance and decision making across UOW by working in partnership with the University.

  • Sustainable Development Goals Steering Committee
    Representatives of the SAC had the opportunity to contribute to the UOW’s development of a suite of subjects that enable students to learn about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as well as also exploring other opportunities for students to engage with the SDG’s more broadly. 

  • Online Examination Proctoring Tender Evaluation
    SAC representatives provided feedback to the University during the process of tender evaluation for the development of an online examination proctoring system. 
  • Annual Presentation to the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Group (VCAG) 2018/19
    The SAC Executive presented objectives of the SAC at VCAG and provided an update on the activities of the SAC for 2019.  

  • Lead the push for increasing the recording of lectures via the Echo360 project
    The SAC were part of a working party for the recording of more live lectures via Echo360 at UOW.  The working group presented guiding principles of lecture recording to the Academic Senate and as a result a policy and procedures are being developed. 
  • Participated in the consultation of informal learning projects 2019/2020
    The SAC provided feedback to Facilities Management Services regarding student infrastructure projects across campus.   The SAC identified that the campus required more covered learning places and that student feedback has an impact on project funding and approval of these spaces. 

  • Consulted on the Safe and Respectful Communities (SARC) 2019/2020 Action Plan
    The SAC provided feedback on the SARC video campaign that highlights the services provided by UOW Security across campus.  Part of the Action Plan was to engage with the SAC and student leaders about creating student led programs to encourage the conversation around Safe and Respectful Communities. 

  • Reviewed and commented on the SARC Review of 'Consent Matters'
    The University currently offers the SARC Consent Matters module which is optional for students to complete.  The University sought feedback from SAC as per the SARC Action Plan whether UOW should make this module compulsory. 

  • Reviewed and commented on the UOW 2020-2025 Strategic Plan
    The University sought feedback and comment from the SAC on the draft UOW 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.  SAC were able to ask questions and provided valuable feedback regarding the strategic direction of UOW with the focus on Goal 1 of the strategic plan: Empowering students for their future.
  • Consultation of the Student Service @UOW strategy
    The University sought feedback from the SAC regarding current UOW student service environment, the intended roadmap strategy and its impact on students. 
  • National Student Voice Summit
    As a part of the ongoing collaboration of the Students as Partners working group, SAC representatives attend the summit.  The objectives of the summit was to further develop an understanding of a partnership approach to student engagement and to explore how students can be effective partners in decision making and governance at UOW. 
  • Safe and Respectful Communities (SARC)
    Representatives have received SARC first responder training and have provided feedback and recommendations on the UOW SARC action plan. The SAC continues to support the efforts of the University in this initiative. 
  • 100th Armistice Day Commemorations
    The SAC acknowledged the sacrifice made by so many others in World War One and unreservedly supported a representative initiative to send SAC members to take part in commemorations at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and locally in Wollongong. A UOW media release was also created in support of the event. 

  • Digital Literacies
    Representatives have worked with UOW Library to provide user feedback and support on the “Manage, Use, Create” program which is a series of self-paced Moodle modules and resources designed to improve the proficiency of student’s digital capability. 

  • Student Services Amenities Fees (SSAF) Working Group
    The SAC SSAF Working Group reviewed the student SSAF survey results and project submissions for SSAF monies, this is integral in student consultation process for SSAF. The SAC provided recommendations on all SSAF funded projects for 2019 to meet SSAF legislated requirements. 

  • Students as Partners (SaP) Working Group
    A SaP Working Group has formed to develop a Student Partnership Agreement with the University. Working group participants have had the ability to create the wording, direction and scope of the agreement which will impact all aspects of student involvement within UOW. 
I love being the voice for the students. Bongani SAC REPRESENTATIVE

Get in touch

Let us know your ideas, concerns or feedback. You can send us an email or join our Facebook group where you’ll have the opportunity to engage directly with Student Advisory Council members, provide feedback, ask questions and see some of the upcoming events and activities that the SAC are running.

Email us