Doshisha University

Doshisha University

City: Kyoto
Country: Japan
Length of study (1 or 2 semesters): 1 semester (UOW Spring session only) or 2 semesters.
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: Doshisha University, Imadegawa campus is located in the heart of Kyoto city, north of the Kyoto Imperial Palace ('Kyoto Gosho') and just in front of famous Shokoku-ji temple. The Imadegawa campus consists of 5 important cultural assets and 2 registered tangible cultural properties, are used for lectures and services. As of April 2016, Doshisha University has 14 Faculties, 16 Graduate Schools, the Center for Global Education, and the Center for Japanese Language and Culture, and it currently accommodates as many as nearly 30,000 students, including about 1,400 international students from around the world.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation: Guaranteed for exchange students who submit applications. Further information provided upon application.


  • Students can choose which Center they would like to join:
    • Center for Global Education (CGE) offers Japanese culture, Society and Nature in English
    • Center for Japanese Language and Culture offers Japanese language and culture in Japanese
  • Course Catalogue: See above links.
  • Credit load: 15 credits per semester.

Subject Restrictions: Business, Law, Engineering.

Special conditions: All exchange students take courses offered by CGE and CJLC. Business School, Law School, and Graduate School of Engineering don't offer any courses to exchange students.