Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

City: Kharagpur
Country: India
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: Situated on 2100 acres, IITK campus is home to 20,000 residents and functions as its own mini-town, complete with plenty of amenities and nature parks. Student life is very active at IITK, with events hosted year-round, including Illumination during Diwali, Spring Fest in January, and Kshitij- the largest techno-management fest in India. Opportunities for excursions are plentiful, as there are many nearby beaches, rivers and nature hikes.

Useful info:


  • Subject areas offered: Life sciences, mechanical sciences, earth sciences, electrical sciences, infrastructure, computer and information sciences, natural sciences, entrepreneurship and management, materials and chemical sciences, humanities and social sciences, law, energy engineering