O.P. Jindal Global University

O.P. Jindal Global University

City: Sonipat
Country: India
Length of study: One or two semesters
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) is a multidisciplinary university that aspires to be a role model for higher education amongst leading institutions across the world. JGU offers subjects across law, business, international affairs, government and public policy, liberal arts and humanities, journalism and communication, arts, and finance. Their vision is to impart globalised education with a view to produce world-class professionals, scholars and academics.

JGU is located in the ancient town of Sonipat, just outside of Delhi. Steeped in history yet overflowing with modern life, this area of India is known for being wonderfully diverse.

Useful info:


  • Law, Business, International Studies, Arts and Humanities, Journalism and Communication
  • All areas of study are open for UOW exchange students