Oita University

Oita University

City: Oita, Kyushu
Country: Japan
Length of study (1 or 2 semesters): 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: Japanese (classes available in English)

About: Dannoharu campus is located in a suburb of Oita city, surrounded by beautiful mountains near the sea. Although it is located only 15 minutes from downtown Oita by train, the university campus is situated in a quiet residential area and is ideal for study.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation: Oita University guarantees jousing for exchange students; prices can be compared online. Oita University has 3 types of dormitories to accommodate international students. Newly arriving students will be automatically assigned to one of the dormitories determined by a meeting at the University.
  • Health insurance is mandatory and can be purchased through the university for $88.


  • Oita University has all of the options available for exchange students.
  • Credit load: 7 classes (10.5 hours) per week