Sogang University

Sogang University

City: Seoul
Country: South Korea
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: Sogang University was established by the Society of Jesus to provide an education based on Catholic beliefs and inspired by the Jesuit philosophy of education, in conformity with the Korean tradition of education. Sogang University aims to educate citizens with outstanding leadership abilities, who can contribute to the society and nation with the spirit of devotion, sense of responsibility, mature and integrated characters. Also educate true cosmopolitans who can contribute to the national prosperity and world peace by understanding the current changes of the world at all times, and respond to the changes with critical judgments.

Useful info:


  • Arts, Humanities, Science & Technology, Engineering, Language, Business
  • If proficient in Korean, a student can take courses taught in Korean (for those courses, do not check the box next to “courses for exchange students”)
  • Credit load: Minimum 9 credits, maximum 15 credits.

Subject restrictions: Please note that not all courses offered in English are open to exchange students. Undergraduate students are not allowed to take Graduate courses. However, graduate students can take both undergraduate and graduate courses.