The Education University of Hong Kong

The Education University of Hong Kong

City: Tai Po
Country: Hong Kong
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: EdUHK aims to promote and support the strategic development of teacher education in Hong Kong by preparing quality educators and professionals, supporting them in their lifelong learning and leading the path to education innovation and continuous improvements. According to the 2015 QS World University Rankings in the field of Education, it is ranked 15th in the world and 3rd in Asia.

Useful info:


There are four residence halls on campus, namely Northcote Hall, Grantham Hall, Robert Black Hall, and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Student Quarters. 


  • Education
  • Credit load: Minimum course-load: 4 courses (12 credits). Maximum course-load: 5 courses (15 credits).

Subject Restrictions: Social Sciences students from the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities only.