University of Canterbury

University of Canterbury

City: Christchurch
Country: New Zealand
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English

About: The University of Canterbury is a prestigious and progressive university, with a leafy green campus situated in one of the safest and resilient cities in the world. Experience adrenaline, art, biculturalism, biodiversity, innovation, the southern lights, sustainability and more, while studying at a world-class institution.

Useful info:

Subject Restrictions: 

  • Distance learning courses
  • 200 level Law courses
  • Fine Arts (studio art) courses
  • Forest Biology (FORE218)
  • Teacher Education courses
  • Note: Education courses with EDUC course code under the Bachelor of Arts schedule are available to Exchange students.
  • some Physical Education and Sport Coaching courses require police checks. Please contact to check if the Physical Education and Sport Coaching courses you wish to take require police checks. 
  • Journalism courses
  • Courses in MBA and Executive Development programmes
  • All clinical practice courses
  • Communication Disorders are open to students who meet pre-requisites except for the clinical practice courses
  • Social Work – field work courses are not open to Exchange students. Entry to other theory courses will be considered case-by-case basis and approval from Social Work will be required.

Some other courses are limited entry and may have additional entry requirements. Please contact the International Mobility Co-ordinator if you have enquiries about course restrictions.