Concordia University

Concordia University

Country: Canada
City: Montreal
Length of Study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of Instruction: English
About: With the highest concentration of post-secondary students of any major North America city, Montreal is inclusive, bilingual and affordable. Great transportation, festivals, and food are just a few reasons why students flock here. Concordia has four faculties and a School of Graduate Studies as well as numerous colleges, centres and institutes.

*CANADA DEADLINES: Concordia University has only ONE deadline which is the Spring deadline.

Useful Information:


  • Space in the University Residences is limited and not guaranteed.
  • Students attending Concordia must purchase the Concordia Health Insurance Plan.


  • Credit load: Students should select at least six (8) courses (per semester) that they would like to take. Please note that a particular class may be:
    • full year (Sept. to April)… indicated as /3 courses (6 credits)
    • fall term only (Sept. to Dec)…. indicated as /2 courses (3 credits or 6 credits)
    • winter term only (Jan. to May) …indicated as /4 courses (3 credits or 6 credits)

Students must not choose a /3 course if they are coming for only one term. International students must be registered full time during their exchange. In order to be considered full-time, students need to be enrolled for a:

  • Undergraduates: Minimum of 12 credits per semester (normally 4 courses) and maximum of 15 credits per semester (normally 5 courses).
  • Graduate students: Minimum of 8 credits and maximum of 9 credits (normally three courses). MBA students must take 12 credits (4 courses) per semester.

Subject Restrictions:

  • All students must satisfy the pre-requisite requirements of any subjects they wish to take whilst at Concordia. The following subject areas have restrictions: Applied Human Sciences, Communication Studies, most Economics Courses, a number of Education courses, courses from the Science College and theological studies. For a full list of the course restrictions at Concordia, please come in and see the Office of Global Student Mobility at Student Central in Building 17.