McMaster University

McMaster University

Country: Canada
City: Hamilton, Ontario
Length of Study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of Instruction: English
About: Founded in 1887, McMaster University is one of only four Canadian universities consistently ranked in the Top 100 in the world. Home to more than 62 research centres and institutes, McMaster is comprised of six faculties: The DeGroote School of Business, and the Faculties of Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences.
With a total student population of more than 30,000, McMaster welcomes students from 79 countries as well as Canada. The average entering grade is 87.6 per cent, and those who enter with an average of at least 90 per cent now comprise more than 32 per cent of the student population. McMaster's main campus, located in the Westdale neighbourhood of Hamilton, Ontario, is comprised of 300 acres of scenic property at the western end of Lake Ontario, between Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Our 30-acre central core is designated for pedestrians and bicyclists. Nearby attractions include Cootes Paradise, the Bruce Trail, the Waterfront Trail, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve.

*CANADA DEADLINES: McMaster University has only ONE deadline which is the Spring deadline. 

  • On-campus accommodation is mostly reserved for first year McMaster students only. Exchange students are welcome to seek private accommodation.
  • Health insurance is mandatory, and must be purchased at cost of $50.00.
  • Credit load: Students generally take a full course load, or 5 courses per semester (15 units per semester = 30 total for the year). Each course can be 3 units, or 6.
  • Certain courses have prerequisites that must be completed prior to the course, and so these courses may not be available to incoming students.