University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

Country: Canada
City: Vancouver
Length of Study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of Instruction: English
About: The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. Since 1915, UBC’s West Coast spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status quo. Its entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery and explore new ways of learning. At UBC, bold thinking is given a place to develop into ideas that can change the world.
Please note: Places are strictly limited 

*CANADA DEADLINES: The University of British Columbia has only ONE deadline which is the Spring deadline. 

Useful Information:


  • Credit load: At UBC, a full-time course load for undergraduate students varies depending on the faculty and degree program. The average UBC degree-student registers in 15 credits per term (100% of a full time course load), but some science and engineering students register in 18 to 20 credits per term. We recommend that you register in 12 to 15 credits (four to five courses) per term.