University of Toronto

University of Toronto

City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Length of study: 1 semesters**
Language of instruction: English
About: Founded in 1827, the University of Toronto has evolved into Canada’s leading institution of learning, discovery and knowledge creation. UT is proud to be one of the world’s top research-intensive universities, driven to invent and innovate close to the heart of one of Canada’s biggest cities. With one of the strongest teaching faculties across all disciplines – spanning medicine to business, urban studies to engineering, humanities to education, and more – our engineering, humanities to education, and more – our students have the opportunity to learn form and work with professors who are some of today’s thought leaders.

*CANADA DEADLINES: University of Toronto has only ONE deadline which is the Spring deadline.
** Students can only study 1 semester at the University Toronto 

Useful info:


  • UT housing services offers assistance and advice to all students on housing related matters. They can assist you with finding on-campus and off-campus accommodation after you are admitted as an exchange student.
  • The Scarborough campus guarantees on-campus housing for exchange students, however the St. George and Mississauga campuses do not. All inbound students are required to pay for health insurance via the UT University Health insurance plan (UHIP). This is a compulsory fee.


  • Credit load: the maximum permitted work load for undergraduate-level students is 5 courses (2.5 credits) per academic term. For graduate-level students, the maximum work load is 4 courses (2.0 credits) per academic term. For undergraduate-level exchange students, the minimum workload to be considered a “full-time student” is 3 courses per semester (1.5 credits). Students remain subject to the conditions of their home university with regard to full-time classification.