University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo

City: Waterloo, Ontario
Country: Canada
Length of study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: English
About: UWaterloo offers a variety of programs within its six faculties – applied health sciences, arts, engineering, environment, mathematics, and science – and is home to over 30,000 undergraduate students and more than 5,000 graduate students. Our international student community includes 34% of our graduate students and 12% of our undergraduate students from countries around the world. The campus is a friendly, supportive, and multicultural environment just a 45 minute drive from Toronto and a 1 hour flight from New York City.

Useful info:


  • Housing is not guaranteed for exchange students.
  • Students are required to purchase health insurance at a cost of $400.00 cad.


  • Credit load: at the University of Waterloo, the full-time course load is 5 courses per semester (equivalent to 2.5 credits). Each course (0.5 credits)