EBS Business School

EBS Business School

City: Oestrich-Winkel 
Country: Germany 
Language of instruction: Courses taught in English  

About: EBS Business School has been awarded the prestigious AACSB accreditation, placing it among the 12 AACSB accredited business schools in Germany. AACSB is one of the oldest and most respected global accreditation bodies for business schools and is known for its high-quality standards and commitment to academic excellence. 

Useful info: 


  • Accommodation: EBS Business School does not offer on-campus housing. They have a housing website for students to use to find local landlords.


  • Students can study modules from the Business School, as well as the Law School. Study areas include Business, Management, Finance, Politics and Economics.
  • Course Catalogue
  • Credit load: Exchange students are expected to enrol in 21-33 ECTS credits per semester.

Subject Restrictions: Masters of Business students can study in the Masters program at EBS Business School.