Julius Maxmilian University of Wurzburg

Julius Maxmilian University of Wurzburg

City: Würzburg
Country: Germany
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English & German

About: The University of Würzburg was founded in 1402. It is one of the oldest-established universities in the German-speaking world. The University has grown over the centuries and now covers almost every subject in its ten faculties. Some 27,000 students are studying for degrees in more than 100 different courses and over 11 per cent of them are enrolled in the Faculty of Business Management and Economics.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation: If program students apply by the official application deadline for a room in a dormitory, they will have guaranteed accommodation! The Student Housing Service is responsible for ten dormitories in various locations in Würzburg. Link is provided after applying for the university.


  • Business only (undergraduate & postgraduate) - Information Systems & Supply Chain Management, Theoretical & Applied Economics, Quantitative Methods, Strategic Management, Organisation & Marketing
  • Course Catalogue
  • Approx. 30 ECTS per semester

Subject Restrictions: Business students only.