Koc University

Koç University

City: Istanbul
Country: Türkiye
Length of study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: Most classes are taught in English

About: Koç University offers a low student to Faculty ratio (10 to 1) and is ranked among the world’s top 250 universities by Times Higher Education. Most subjects are taught in English. It has become one of the leading universities in Türkiye, distinguished by notable contributions to the elevation of education, knowledge and service both domestically and abroad. Sitting at the intersection of Eastern and Western culture, Istanbul offers an unmatched cultural experience on the doorstep of Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation:
    • Koç University On Campus Accommodation houses up to 2,500 students. Exchange students will be given several choices regarding dormitory arrangements prior to arrival. It is not guaranteed that you will be assigned the room of your selection. Room assignments are made automatically and based on overall demand and availability.
    • Exchange students will be placed with Turkish roommates.


  • Course lists
  • Credit load: Students will usually take 15 Turkish Credits or 5 courses per semester (each course is worth around 3 credits each).