Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

City: Munich
Country: Germany
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English & German

About: As one of Europe’s leading universities TUM combines top-class facilities for cutting-edge research with unique learning opportunities for students. Ranked among the top ten institutions globally for employability of our students we aim to create lasting value through excellence in education and research, active support of diverse talents, and a strong entrepreneurial mindset. Our 13 departments are home to over 37,000 students of which about 7,000 come from abroad, creating a multicultural and inspiring international atmosphere.

Useful info:



  • Architecture, Engineering, Sciences, Mathematics, Informatics, Education, Health Sciences
  • Course Catalogue - Please select “Courses” from the Search field to access the course catalogue. If no courses are shown for the semester in which you would like to study at TUM, please select the same semester for the previous year (in most cases, the courses offered will be the same).
  • Credit load: 20 ETCS credit recommended

Special conditions: While undergraduate education at TUM is primarily in German, at Master’s level a substantial part of courses is taught in English. Advanced undergraduate exchange students (3rd or 4th year) are welcome to attend classes at Master’s level (given they hold the right prerequisites).