Universitat de Valencia

Universitat de València

City: Valencia
Country: Spain
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English and Spanish

About: The University of Valencia was founded more than five centuries ago by the Jury of the City and has become a modern public university that teaches across all branches of knowledge: experimental sciences, engineering, health sciences, humanities, sciences social, economic and legal sciences and education. The University community is committed to continue being a leading university. The University of Valencia are the second European university receiving Erasmus students, the fourth Spanish university in research and according to the most prestigious international rankings, we are the fourth Spanish university worldwide.

University of Valencia is also part of the Utrecht network

Useful info:



  • Faculty of Economics: “Business Administration and Management”, “Economics”, “Finance and Accounting”, “International Business”, “Tourism”,
  • Faculty of Law: “Law”
  • Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication: “English Studies”
  • Faculty of Pharmacy: “Pharmacy”
  • Faculty of Teacher Training: “Preschool Education”, “Primary School Education”
  • Faculty of Psychology: “Psychology”
  • Course Catalogue
  • Credit load: Minimum 18 ECTS credits per semester. Usual number is 30 ECTS credits per semester

Subject Restrictions: Medicine, Dentistry, Gastronomic Sciences

Special conditions: The Faculty of Economics offers a package of courses to their incoming students, which excludes courses that are offered outside this package.