University of Montpellier

University of Montpellier

City: Montpellier
Country: France
Language of instruction: Classes taught in English & French

About: Located in the South of France, IAE Montpellier School of Management is part of Montpellier University and is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. IAE Montpellier awards state degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the fields of business and management with a focus on information technology.

It belongs to a network of 32 IAEs throughout France and has more than fifty years of experience in management and business education. It was founded in 1956 and is one of the oldest IAE schools of Management in the French public education system. Double skill training management contributed to its original position in line with the IAE network policy. The IAE National Association, since renamed «IAE France» helps to build common policies regarding communication or prospective, to have concerted public actions and to implement common services.

Useful info:



  • Business/ Management, Marketing, Human resources, Accounting, Sales, Purchase, Communication, Entrepreneurship
  • Course Catalogue

Subject Restrictions: UOW exchange agreement is only with IAE Montpellier School of Management, therefore Montpellier is only available to UOW Business students.