Cardiff University

Cardiff University

City: Cardiff
Country: Wales
Length of study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: English
About: Located in the beautiful and thriving capital of Wales, Cardiff University is an ambitious and innovative institution with a bold and strategic vision. It is ranked 5th amongst UK universities for research excellence and 2nd for impact. The university strives to fulfil its social, cultural and economic obligations in Wales and abroad through creativity and curiosity and is one of the most popular institutions in the UK. Cardiff itself combines the advantages of a compact, friendly, safe and inexpensive location with the cultural and recreational facilities of a modern capital city.

Useful info: Cardiff University generally requires students to have completed two years of a university degree, and have a GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. If you are nominated to Cardiff, you will be required to submit your academic transcript as well as one academic reference with your application.


  • Cardiff University accommodation is guaranteed for exchange students studying for the full academic year (September to June). Students who are applying for one semester will be given advice by Cardiff University’s international office on finding accommodation in the private sector.
  • Estimated living costs in Cardiff start at approx. GBP 824.29 per month.


  • Studying at Cardiff University. Each semester is 11 weeks long with an additional exam period. Learning and teaching is provided in lectures, seminars and tutorials. A year-long 20 credit module will have 2 lectures per week, with one seminar or tutorial every second week. The pass mark at Cardiff is 40%. Results will be sent to the UOW Office of Global Student Mobility.
  • Course catalogue: Students are welcome to select courses from the Cardiff University online module catalogue
  • Credit load: It is recommended that exchange students take 60 credits per semester (the same as full-time, domestic students). Most modules/subjects at Cardiff are worth 10 (100 total study hours) or 20 (200 total study hours) credits. With this kind of load, students will typically have 10-15 contact hours per week in total.

Subject restrictions

  • All areas are open to exchange students with the exception of vocational subjects.