Lancaster University

Lancaster University

City: Lancaster (population 50,000)
Country: England
Language of instruction: English

About: The University of Lancaster is located on a beautiful 560 acre campus in the North West of England. With 13,000 students, Lancaster University is one of a handful of universities with a collegiate system that forges a strong sense of identity and loyalty and continues to frame student life at Lancaster. Students form one hundred countries make up a thriving community based around the nine colleges, creating a culturally diverse campus in a location that boasts the combination of city, coast and countryside. The campus boasts dozens of food and drink options, banks, shops, and health services, along with a new constructed GBP 20 million sports centre. On what is one of the safest campuses in the UK, ranking near the top at 91% student satisfaction.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation:
    • Lancaster University accommodation is comprised of 8 undergraduate colleges. Exchange students are guaranteed accommodation in Lancaster.
    • The collegiate system is one of the most distinctive and valued features of the university.
    • Rooms are single study bedrooms with access to shared kitchens; only some colleges have catered options.
    • Different types of rooms and different kinds of accommodation (for postgraduate, families etc.) can be sourced and compared. Students are liable for the cost of their accommodation whilst abroad.
  • Living expenses: estimated at GBP 1015 per month.


  • Credit load: Students generally undertake 30-32 semester credits in a full year, 16-20 semester credits in the Lent/Summer terms and 12 semester credits in Michaelmas Term.