University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

City: Liverpool
Country: England
Length of study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: English

  • The University is a member of The Russell Group of 24 UK research-led universities and is ranked in the top 1% of higher education institutions worldwide.
    Our research power is ranked 20th in the UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, with 7 subjects ranked in the top 10, and we are in the top 1% of universities worldwide for internationally recognised research.
  • The University of Liverpool is a world class player in many areas of academia. In Science and Engineering, we were a key partner in the discoveries at the CERN reactor in Switzerland and some of the world leaders in Chemistry are based at our University. In the Humanities subjects, we are home to one of the UK's top departments of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, the only Institute of Irish Studies outside of Ireland and an AACSB accredited Management School. In Health and Life Sciences, researchers from our Institute of Infection and Global Health are helping to tackle the Ebola virus.
  • The University campus is in the city centre, and has two major libraries which between them contain over 2,000,000 books, 620,000 electronic books and 85,200 electronic journals.
  • Our award-winning Central Teaching Laboratories offer cutting edge learning opportunities for students who take classes in Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Archaeology.
  • There are over 2,000 PC's located across campus, high speed Wi-Fi for connecting laptops, tablets and smart phones and access to your course materials, virtual chat and project work support through our Virtual Interactive Teaching at Liverpool (VITAL).
  • There is also the newly extended sports centre and swimming pool complex, the guild of Students and student welfare centre, as well as, modern student accommodation.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation:
    • University of Liverpool Housing
    • Accommodation in the Study Abroad Village is guaranteed for exchange students. Est. total living expenses for a semester are $4370.00.


  • Course catalogue
  • Credit load: Minimum course load: 45 credits for 1 semester, 90 credits for the Full Year. Students are expected to do the full amount of credits, which is 60 credits for 1 semester and 120 for the full year. Each module (course) can be: 7.5 credits, 15 credits or 30 credits. 600 contact hours per semester, 1200 for the Full Year.

Subject restrictions:

  • All degree programs are open to exchange students except Dentistry, Veterinary Science and Health Science.