Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines

City: Goldon, CO
Country: USA
Length of study: 1 or 2 semesters
Language of instruction: English
About: Located in the scenic mountain town of Golden, Colorado, the Colorado School of Mines is an engineering school known worldwide for its excellent education and quality of graduated students. Not only are there great opportunities for education, but also for experiencing the great outdoors. Skiing, hiking, rock climbing and many other activities are only minutes away from campus.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation: CSM tries its best to place all students in CSM Housing and will assist with off campus housing if desired.
  • Estimated cost of living per semester is $2,000 USD.


  • Credit load: For undergraduates, a full-time course load is 15 credits (with a subject being 3 credits). Thus undergraduate students usually take 5 subjects per semester. Graduate students full-time course load is 9 credits per semester (around 3 subjects).

Subject restrictions: Students are welcome to take all courses provided they meet the pre-requisite requirements.