Montana State University

Montana State University

City: Bozeman, MT
Country: USA
Length of study: 1 or 2 Semesters
Language of instruction: English
About: Montana State University is as remarkable as its setting. Created as a land-grant institution, it is a welcoming, adventurous community of students, faculty and staff distinguished by its commitment to address the world's greatest challenges. The university energizes individuals to discover and pursue their aspirations. It inspires people to engage with the university to improve the human prospect through excellence in education, research, creativity and civic responsibility.

Useful info:


  • Accommodation:
    • Housing at Montana State is not guaranteed for exchange students.
    • Students should read the General Information regarding housing before deciding where they would like to apply.
    • Should students wish to live elsewhere, they can consult the Off-Campus Housing Guide.
    • Living Expenses are estimated at approximately $5,000 USD.
  • Other: All incoming students are required to purchase mandatory health insurance at a cost of $1,591.00 USD.


Subject restrictions:

  • All undergraduate subjects are open to exchange students so long as the student meets the prerequisites.