Sometimes we get stuck in a cycle of avoidance or emotion and we need a circuit breaker to help us move on to something else; this is where regulation tools can be helpful.
Breathing Exercises
Research has shown that by taking deep breaths, individuals can experience improvements in their mood and stress levels. Most of the time we take short, shallow breaths, but by taking the time to breathe deeply you are giving your body and mind a chance to reset before moving on to something else.
There are many different ways of taking deep breaths, you can find some ideas in the What is ‘breathwork’? And do I need to do it? article. Also, the smiling mind app and Insight Timer app both have free meditations, mindfulness, and breathing recordings.
Mindfulness is focusing on being present in the moment. Being stuck in your thoughts can be very distressing, and this approach is used to help you get out of your head. It encourages you to become more aware of your surroundings and to live in the moment. Mindfulness requires extensive practice for it to become second nature. Once practiced however, it can reduce your stress levels and make you feel happier on a day-to-day basis. Here are some ideas you can consider trying:
Sensory Tools
As children, most of us were taught that we have five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, there are actually seven main ways we gather sensory information. The additional two are vestibular (awareness of our body’s movements, balance and coordination), and proprioception (awareness of where our body is positioned in the space around us).
By increasing, decreasing, or changing the sensory inputs our body is receiving, we can increase and decrease our energy and stress levels. Please keep your medical history in mind when you are selecting which strategies to try, and consult with a medical professional for further guidance if needed.
The following is a list of sensory strategies based on a publication from Queensland Health.
Sense |
Sensory strategy |
- Light/deep touch, temperature
Hand cream, cool face washer, spending time with a pet, holding a warm drink, weighted blankets. |
Singing, listening to music, nature sounds (rainforest, ocean), white noise, silence. |
Chewing gum, sucking a hard lolly, strong peppermints, crunching ice, eating something spicy. |
Flowers, essential oils, citrus, lavender, oil diffuser, burning incense, candles, potpourri scented pillows. |
- Light, colour, moving visuals
Bright light, dimmed light, nature scenes (mountains), slow moving scenes (underwater), colours. |
- Awareness of body in space
Yoga, Tai chi, light stretching, weighted objects, weighted blankets. |
Walking, rocking chair, reclining / lying down, spinning on a chair, sitting on exercise ball. |