Financial assistance

Financial assistance at UOW provides information about various fees, government assistance, scholarships, financial counselling, and tips on managing your money - as well as ways to access financial support at UOW and outside of it.

Future students campus tour Financial assistance ISP Future Students
Current students Financial assistance ISP Current students
Graduating students Financial assistance ISP Graduating students
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Financial assistance ISP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
International students Financial assistance ISP International students
Rural, regional and remote students Financial assistance ISP Rural, regional and remote students

Financial stress and ways to manage it

It can be stressful to navigate your finances as a student and can often seem impossible. It’s important to be aware of the warning signs of financial stress such as arguing with people close to you about money, withdrawing from others, feeling guilty about spending and worrying a lot. Get advice today - you're not alone.

Fees & financial assistance


As a domestic student you have a number of ways to pay your tuition. All HELP loans and billing options need to be finalised prior to the Census date (requires login) to avoid any fees or enrolment complications.

HECS-HELP loans assist you in paying for your studies by either deferring all your fees or deferring a set balance. It’s your decision on what arrangement you are eligible for:

  • HECS-HELP Loan: Deferring all fees to a HECS-HELP Loan
  • HECS-HELP Partial: Making a partial upfront payment and deferring the balance to a HECS-HELP Loan.
  • HECS-HELP Upfront: Paying all fees upfront

Make sure to stay informed with the right information by visiting this page: UOW HELP loans and billing options


As a uni student you will be required to pay course fees throughout your degree. Your fees will depend on your student type. Identify which category you fit into and really familiarise yourself with the process you need to follow: 

Being a uni student and trying to keep on top of all your other expenses can be difficult, especially when trying to keep a work-life balance. Luckily there are government assistance options that can help you maintain that balance and manage your expenses. Here are some options to look into:

Youth Allowance

  • What is it: An income support payment that provides financial assistance to young job seekers, aged 16 - 21 who are looking for work or undertaking other activities to improve their employment prospects AND full-time students or Australian Apprentices aged 16 – 24
  • Who is eligible: Individuals between the ages of 18 to 24 and studying full time, 16 to 24 and doing a full time Australian Apprenticeship, 16 to 17 and independent or needing to live away from home to study, 16 to 17, studying full time and have completed year 12 or equivalent
  • How to apply: Apply via mygov online or go into your local centrelink and obtain a customer reference number to be able to link centrelink to your online account. from here you are able to apply for Youth allowance. You will need some documents such as ID, TFN etc.

More info


  • What is it: An Australian educational assistance scheme that provides financial assistance to eligible students between 16 and 64 years of age
  • Who is eligible: 25 or older, a full time student in an approved course or Australian Apprenticeship, under the income test limits
  • How to apply: Apply via mygov online or go into your local centrelink and obtain a customer reference number to be able to link centrelink to your online account. From there you are able to apply for Austudy. You will need some documents such as ID, TFN etc.

More info

Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) 

  • What is it: The CPP is a financial support program for students in nursing, teaching, and social work who need to do work placements as part of their studies. From 1 July 2025, eligible students can receive a weekly payment to help cover the costs during these placements.  
  • Who is eligible: Domestic nursing, teaching, and social work students at UOW who are enrolled in a Commonwealth Supported Place or demonstrate a need to work more than 15 hours per week, completing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an eligible course, and undertaking full-time placements (minimum 30 hours per week) related to the degree. Students must also not be earning more than $1,500 per week. 
  • How to apply: Application forms will open on the UOW website. Keep an eye on your SOLS messages and check back here for more information.


The UOW Scholarships team award a wide range of scholarships to both domestic and international students at an undergraduate and postgraduate level every year. 

Their scholarships reward and encourage students who have demonstrated excellence in areas of academia, leadership, community and sport. They are also committed to providing support to students experiencing financial and other educational disadvantages through equity scholarships and grant programs. 

How do you get one? It's simple - check out what is available and apply! There are a large number of scholarships and grants that don't get awarded purely because students don't think there will be something that suits them. It is so important for you to throw your hat in the ring. 

Check out what is available

Being a university student comes with financial obligations which can sometimes be difficult to plan for. UOW works hard to provide students with the most appropriate financial assistance to help reduce that unwanted stress around tuition fees, living expenses and everyday expenses. All you need to do is reach out when you need some back up and be aware of what help is available to you.

There are times though when you might like to try on your own first. Check out the online downloadable resources below that can help you with managing your expenses whilst at uni and get you into the habit of budgeting.

Wollongong Providers

Mission Australia

Phone: 0439 803 878
Location: 11 - 13 Burelli Street, Wollongong NSW 2517

Illawarra Legal Centre

Phone: (02) 4276 1939
Location: 7 Greene Street, Warrawong NSW 2502

Wesley Mission

Phone: (02) 4231 8210

Not based in Wollongong?

If you are not based in Wollongong and need to seek financial support elsewhere, please visit the MONEYSMART website for further information.

You can also visit the financial counselllor finder here

Free Legal Services

If you are facing legal issues related to your financial difficulties, please see the Student Legal Clinic site for information on the free services available to students.