Safe and Respectful Communities

The University of Wollongong is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for all members of our community. We believe everyone has the right to feel safe and supported on campus, free from violence, abuse and harassment.

2024 Annual Report: Sexual Harm Response and Prevention

The SARC 2024 annual report provides a snapshot of the key work being undertaken at UOW in response to the National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) findings that identified the need to increase awareness of sexual violence and drive attitudinal and cultural change. The report also highlights current priorities for UOW, and provides an overview of the reports and disclosures of sexual and other harms that have been received by SARC over the past 12 months, and the types of support provided.

View the report



What is Safe and Respectful Communities?

The Safe and Respectful Communities (SARC) team is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment across all UOW campuses. SARC is responsible for supporting students who have witnessed or experienced sexual violence, harassment, domestic and family violence, bullying or discrimination. SARC is also leading the university’s prevention work in this space.

Contact SARC

Hi, my name is Mackenzie and I'm one of the coordinators at Safe and Respectful Communities, also known as SARC at UOW.
Come see the office and meet the team.
Follow me.   
SARC are located in Building 19.
Come up the rainbow stairs, turn left and then come through the sliding doors.
Just ring the doorbell and  one of our staff members will come to meet you, or you can even call or email us.
You can even contact us anonymously to find out more about your options.
Our support is led by you.
SARC is a team at the University that supports students that have experienced any type of violence.
This can include sexual harm, domestic violence, bullying, and discrimination.
If you or someone you know has experienced any type of violence on or off campus, you can contact our team and  we will support you and help manage the impact on your studies.
Even if your experience happened before you were at university, we can support you.
We're a service for everyone.
We help people of all bodies, genders, cultural backgrounds and relationships.
Our team is made up of specialists in trauma informed care and sexual violence.
We believe you and we support you.
When you make contact with SARC, we'll do our best to arrange an appointment to happen in a safe space like this room here, and everything you tell us will be confidential and we will support you in the ways that work best for you.
You can talk about something that's happened to you or to a friend without naming anyone involved.
If something has happened on campus involving a staff member or a student at the university, you may be able to make a formal report.
This means that SARC can investigate what has happened.
Our team work closely with UOW security, accommodation and counselling to help keep you safe.
If you would like to go to the police station, our team can support you.
We can help you apply for an AVO, make an anonymous report, even support you during the court process.
So if you'd like help, or you want to know your options, or you just want to have a chat, get in touch.

Respect at UOW

UOW staff and students sharing powerful messages about our expectations of members of our community, and calling out unacceptable behaviour: we all have a role in creating a culture of respect and everyone has the right to feel safe and supported on campus, free from violence, abuse and harassment.

Watch the Respect at UOW video

Who can I contact?

Talk to us
UOW Security
UOW 24hr Student Wellbeing Support Line

A safe and supportive environment

Consent Matters training
Colourful shoes standing next to a rainbow drawn in chalk on the ground Support for all

Contact the SARC team

The SARC team is responsible for leading the University’s work to prevent violence, abuse and harassment from occurring on our campuses. SARC also provides a coordinated response and holistic support if it does happen.