How to report an incident

Violence, abuse, racism and harassment have no place at our University. If you have witnessed or experienced sexual violence, harassment, domestic and family violence, racism, bullying or discrimination, the SARC team are here to support you.

Disclosing or reporting an incident

It is your right to decide whether to report an experience of violence or harassment. 

As a victim/survivor, you have the right to decide if, how, and when you wish to disclose, make a report or take any other further action.

SARC supports current UOW students who have witnessed or experienced sexual harm,  violence and harassment, regardless if:

  • It was recent or historical.
  • It occurred at the University. 
  • Whether or not they wish to make a formal report. 
  • They want to be kept anonymous.

SARC understands that deciding whether to make a report can be a difficult decision and many victim/survivors who decide to report do not do so immediately.

It is never too late to make a report.

Need emergency support?

If you are experiencing an emergency or need urgent support in relation to sexual violence or harassment, you can call:

  • Triple Zero (000) for immediate police or ambulance assistance. 
  • UOW Security (02 4221 4900) for on campus assistance, first aid and security escorts. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also request their services via the SafeZone app. 
  • 1800 RESPECT () for 24 hour counselling support for people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.
  • Lifeline (13 11 14) for 24 hour crisis support for people experiencing emotional distress and suicidal ideation


Your reporting options

Disclosing to SARC

UOW considers the needs and wants of the victim/survivor first to ensure their safety and autonomy.

SARC takes all disclosures of sexual harm, violence and harassment seriously and upholds confidentiality. 

By contacting us, you are not initiating a formal, investigative process. A SARC Coordinator will guide you on supporting and reporting options. SARC are trauma informed and person-centred, meaning we are led by you. 

You can disclose anonymously by using a private number or requesting anonymity, but this does limit how we can support you.

Regardless of how it's reported, reports allow UOW to identify behavioural patterns and helps us inform prevention and education work to improve UOW's culture. 

Making a formal report

You may have the option to proceed with a formal UOW report.

SARC will assess whether the matter is a potential breach of UOW Policies which constitutes as a formal report. If so, this requires an investigation. 

For SARC to investigate, the incident/s must have a tangible connection to the University. Examples include but are not limited to; incidents that occurred on campus, in student accommodation or at a UOW event and where the person responsible for the misconduct is a UOW student or staff. 

SARC can provide you with more information about this procedure and support you throughout. 

If we are unable to process your matter as a formal report, that does not mean that we do not believe you or that the incident did not occur. You can still access SARC support. 


Reporting to NSW Police

You have the choice to make an informal or formal report to NSW Police

An informal report records the incident but does not initiate a criminal investigation. You can either request it's not formally reported or complete the Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO) online. Either of these can be used later as part of a formal report if you choose.

A formal report involves making a detailed statement and initiates a criminal investigation. If you have been assaulted in the last 5 days, you may have the option to complete a Sexual Assault Investigation Kit (SAIK). If the matter goes to court, you may be required to attend.

SARC can contact the police on your behalf, attend with you and/or support you throughout. 

Reporting to police will not affect your ability to access SARC support or to make a formal UOW report. 

Further reporting options

Reporting to NSW Police
Make an anonymous report to UOW
UOW 24hr Student Wellbeing Support Line

UOW's commitment

UOW is committed to fostering a University culture that is safe, respectful and free from harm. 

You can read more about how we are supporting this through our Sexual Harm Response Policy, Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety Policy.

We also encourage you, where it is safe to do so, to support our campus culture by being an active bystander in working towards eliminating violence, abuse, racism, and harassment.

If you would like to learn more about how to become an active bystander, you can express your interest in the UOWX accredited Bystander Intervention training. This training provides participants with the tools they need to safely intervene when they are confronted with harmful, threatening or inappropriate behaviour.

Contact the SARC team

The SARC team is responsible for leading the University’s work to prevent violence, abuse and harassment from occurring on our campuses. SARC also provides a coordinated response and holistic support if it does happen.