Getting started and registering

1. Determine your eligibility

Student Accessibility and Inclusion is open to UOW students experiencing:

  • Mental ill-health
  • Vision impairment, hearing impairment and other sensory disabilities
  • Medical conditions including chronic illness and pain conditions
  • Physical disabilities
  • Learning disabilities
  • Neurological disabilities
  • Acquired brain injuries
  • Temporary disabilities
  • Carers of a person with a disability

2. Register with us

Complete the online registration form.

All registrations require supporting documentation prior to the initial assessment:

  • Please request your treating practitioner complete a copy of our supporting documentation (PDF)
  • If you are a carer of someone with a disability, please request the GP who oversees the medical determinants of the person you are caring for to complete our carer's registration form (PDF)
  • If you do not have supporting documentation ready, please call our team to discuss options of support.

Once you have registered, you will receive an email within two business days, to provide further advice:

  1. To advise you who your SAI Case Manager is or:
  2. To provide further advice so your registration can progress.

You will also be given information on how to book an appointment with your case manager through the UOW Access Portal.

If you have trouble registering, please contact our team at


We understand disclosing a disability or health condition can be challenging and is a personal choice. We want you to know that the Student Accessibility and Inclusion Team has one goal - to help you thrive while you study at UOW. We do it in a confidential and supportive way.

If you are unsure about the benefits of disclosure at any point in your study program, including enrolment, you can contact us, a Student Support Coordinator, or the Counselling Service for confidential information and advice.

For more information on disclosure, refer to information developed by the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training.


UOW uses a third party provider Symplicity under contractual agreement for the collection and management of information through the UOW Access Portal. UOW remains committed to protecting your privacy.  Further information can be found on UOW’s privacy page. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of the UOW Access Portal, please email