Support and wellbeing

Support and Wellbeing provides a range of free, confidential services to students. We are here to help you succeed on your journey by providing personalised holistic support to achieve your goals. Our services provide individual counselling, health and wellbeing support, information about academic or personal support options and referrals to external services.

Immediate assistance

If you are in Australia and need immediate assistance please call or text the 24-hour UOW Student Wellbeing Support Line:

UOW Security is also on hand 24/ 7 if you're on campus.


Support and wellbeing services

Accessibility & Inclusion
Counselling services
Student Support Coordinators

Other wellbeing support

24-hour wellbeing support line
Violence, abuse or harassment support
Wellbeing workshops
LGBTQIA+ community support
Being Well, Living Well module
Medical clinic
Community support services

Privacy and confidentiality

The collection, storage, use and release of your personal information by UOW Support &Wellbeing (Student Support Coordinators, Accessibility and Inclusion, Counselling) is covered by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW). The UOW Privacy Policy details UOW’s commitment to protecting the privacy of your personal and health information.

When you engage with UOW Support &Wellbeing (Student Support Coordinators, Accessibility and Inclusion, Counselling) your personal and health information will be collected in order to provide appropriate support. The level of support the service can provide will be based on the amount of information that you choose to provide. Please note that you are able to withdraw or opt out of the support at any time.  This includes information that is collected through interactions, referrals, additional information collected from existing student systems enrolment, personal detail confirmation and course progress. Some information may also be collected from existing information held by the university to help formulate our support services.

This information will not be associated with your academic record.

Your personal and health information is stored electronically on secure password protected case management software systems only accessible by authorised staff members within UOW Support & Wellbeing. Information is only accessible to UOW Support &Wellbeing (Student Support Coordinators, Accessibility and Inclusion, Counselling) and is handled in accordance with UOW records management and privacy obligations. 

Your personal and health information remains confidential and will only be released to nominated individuals with your written consent, except when:

  1. UOW Support & Wellbeing makes a professional judgment that you or another person is at risk of harm.
  2. UOW Support & Wellbeing has a legal obligation to do so, such as under subpoena or a search warrant issued by a court of law.
  3. UOW Support & Wellbeing makes a professional judgement that a child is at risk of significant harm.

When you are provided support UOW Support & Wellbeing your personal and health information that has been collected will be used exclusively for two purposes:

  • For the formation of a professional opinion which is used to guide support service delivery; and
  • Non-identifying information will be used by UOW to monitor concerning trends on campus, inform our support strategies and design educational campaigns, this may include for example, referral sources, nature of presenting problems, attendance durations, etc.

In some circumstances, team members may consult with UOW Support & Wellbeing colleagues (Student Support Coordinators, Access and Inclusion, Counselling) in order to provide the most appropriate support to you. For example, where you may have an advice Access Plan in place the Student Support Coordinator may refer to the plan to align with already established support. UOW Support & Wellbeing may also seek professional supervision and or advice. In these circumstances, all efforts will be made to withhold your personal and health information. However, in some circumstances it may be necessary in order to provide you with specialised support tailored to your specific needs.

UOW’s privacy policy, located on UOW’s website at provides further information on UOW’s commitment to protecting your privacy. It also outlines the way that you may access your information or if you wish to make a complaint about the way UOW Support & Wellbeing has managed your information.