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Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major)

Solve the world's big challenges. Support communities to thrive. Build strong networks.

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Student ?
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On Campus
4 years full-time, or part-time equivalent
  • Autumn 2025
  • Spring 2025
  • Autumn 2026
  • Spring 2026
UAC: 755624
UOW: 1856


The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) will equip you with the fundamentals of engineering, both technically and via communication skills. Faculty members who drive relevant and cutting-edge research will teach you how to apply this knowledge in real situations, preparing you to engineer the future.

The first year of study allows you to learn more about engineering and its various fields. From your second year, you will focus on your chosen major, while in your third and fourth year of the major you will branch into more specialised areas.

Your degree also includes 12-weeks hands-on industry experience, either in Australia or overseas, as well as a range of industry projects and other career-ready learning opportunities.

See the course handbook for more information.

Our faculty’s commitment to excellence is internationally recognised, as evidenced by the consistent ranking of our civil, manufacturing, mineral and mining, materials, and mechanical engineering courses among the top 150 universities worldwide.

You can specialise in a major by choosing from the following: 


Campus Availability 

Biomedical Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Civil Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Environmental Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Materials Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Mechanical Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Mechatronic Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Mining Engineering 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

Telecommunications Engineering and Internet of Things 

Wollongong (On Campus) 

See more


  • Architectural Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Computer Architect
  • Computer Systems Engineer
  • Construction Manager
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electronics Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Geotechnical Engineer
  • Materials Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Mechatronic Engineer
  • Mining Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Telecommunications Engineer
  • Transport Engineer
  • Water Quality Manager
See more

Accreditation & professional recognition

UOW's engineering programs are accredited by Engineers Australia and relevant world engineering bodies through the Washington Accord. This ensures recognition by equivalent professional engineering bodies in the USA, UK, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.

This recognition ensures that graduates from this course are admitted, on application, to the grade of Graduate Membership of Engineers Australia.

Admissions information

A range of admission options are available for students of all ages and academic backgrounds. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures, and the UOW College Admissions Policy.

For specific advice or to ask any questions regarding an application, please contact the UOW Future Students Team.

Assumed Knowledge
The University assumes students will have studied Mathematics Advanced (not Mathematics Standard 2) and any 2 units of English. Ideally, students will have studied Engineering Studies, Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, Chemistry (Chemistry not necessary for biomedical, computer, electrical, mechatronic or telecommunications engineering).

Compulsory Work Based Placement
This course contains a total of 420 hours of compulsory work-based placements, completed over 12 weeks (at 35 hours per week) throughout the degree.

More detail

Please select a major, specialisation or research area to display fees for this course, or contact the UOW Future Students team for further information.